
Starter/basis for doing Advent of Code in Clojure

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


This is my code for the 20XX Advent of Code, all solutions in Clojure.

All code is under the src directory. Each solution-file is named dayNN.clj and contains both puzzle solutions for that day. These are the publically-facing functions part-1 and part-2. These files are the code exactly as I used it to solve and submit the answers. If I revisit any of the days and try to clean up or optimize the solutions, that work will be in a separate file that will be named dayNNbis.clj ("bis"). I may go back and comment code after the fact, when I'm not racing the clock.


Number of answers correct on first submission: -/- (--%)

Highest finish for first half: -

Highest finish for second half: -


This project is managed with Leiningen. Running the following will download any dependencies and start a REPL:

lein repl

Advent of Code Clojure Basis

Starter pack for doing Advent of Code in Clojure. This is based largely on Mitchell Hanburg's Advent of Code Clojure Starter. I've rewritten a lot of the structural stuff, and re-done the core.clj code so that it only loads the specific day's namespace and dynamically looks up the appropriate function before running it.

Uses lein.


There are 25 namespaces in src/advent_of_code, a number of utility functions in the utils namespace, and a launcher function in core. The recommended process is:

  1. Save the puzzle input into resources as dayNN.txt
  2. Code the solution in src/advent_of_code/dayNN.clj
  3. Test in the REPL (preferably using CIDER in Emacs)
  4. When ready, run lein run <day> <part> to run with the puzzle input

Previously, I had 25 zero-length files in resources with the names already set. The intention was to have them there for easy overwriting when saving the data from the web browser. But I don't want to save AoC data in my public repos, so I have this mechanism set up.

Namespace Templates

Each of the 25 namespaces (including day 25 which generally only has a part 1) are essentially identical other than the day-number in the ns declaration:

(ns advent-of-code.day01
  (:require [advent-of-code.utils :as u]))

(defn part-1
  "Day 01 Part 1"
  (->> input))

(defn part-2
  "Day 01 Part 2"
  (->> input))

The advent-of-code.utils module is require'd and bound to the prefix u/. Other modules can be added to the require form as needed. The template project.clj provided here includes several third-party Clojure packages that I find I use fairly often:

  • org.clojure/math.numeric-tower
  • org.clojure/math.combinatorics
  • org.clojure/core.match
  • org.clojure/data.priority-map

The input parameter that each puzzle-part receives is the whole of the text file that is the puzzle input. It is read from the file in resources that gets saved by the user. It is not split into lines or stripped of newline characters, etc. That is left to the puzzle code to do as needed. The utils file has a variety of functions for parsing/managing the input.


Once this template is used to create a new repo, do the following:

  1. Edit project.clj to change the :url and :description properties
  2. Edit LICENSE to change 20XX to the current year
  3. Edit this file to change 20XX to the current year
  4. Delete everything from second level-1 header ("Advent of Code Clojure Basis") to the end