This driver allows Kubernetes to access Azure Storage through one of following methods:
Disclaimer: Deploying this driver manually is not an officially supported Microsoft product. For a fully managed and supported experience on Kubernetes, use AKS with the managed blob csi driver.
driver version | Image | supported k8s version | built-in blobfuse v1 version | built-in blobfuse v2 version |
master branch | | 1.21+ | 1.4.5 | 2.0.3 |
v1.21.1 | | 1.21+ | 1.4.5 | 2.0.3 |
v1.20.3 | | 1.21+ | 1.4.5 | 2.0.3 |
v1.19.5 | | 1.21+ | 1.4.5 | 2.0.3 |
Please refer to
driver parameters
- This option depends on cloud provider config file (here is config example), config file path on different clusters:
- AKS, capz, aks-engine:
- Azure RedHat OpenShift:
- AKS, capz, aks-engine:
specify a different config file path via configmap
create configmap "azure-cred-file" before driver starts upkubectl create configmap azure-cred-file --from-literal=path="/etc/kubernetes/cloud.conf" --from-literal=path-windows="C:\\k\\cloud.conf" -n kube-system
- Cloud provider config can also be specified via kubernetes secret, check details here
- Make sure identity used by driver has
role on node resource group and virtual network resource group
This option does not depend on cloud provider config file, supports cross subscription and on-premise cluster scenario. Refer to detailed steps.
Note: this only works on Ubuntu 18.04 node now
To install specific blobfuse v1 version, run following command directly after driver is running on the agent node:
kubectl patch daemonset csi-blob-node -n kube-system -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"initContainers":[{"env":[{"name":"INSTALL_BLOBFUSE","value":"true"},{"name":"BLOBFUSE_VERSION","value":"1.4.5"}],"name":"install-blobfuse-proxy"}]}}}}'
To install specific blobfuse v2 version, run following command directly after driver is running on the agent node:
kubectl patch daemonset csi-blob-node -n kube-system -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"initContainers":[{"env":[{"name":"INSTALL_BLOBFUSE2","value":"true"},{"name":"BLOBFUSE2_VERSION","value":"2.0.3"}],"name":"install-blobfuse-proxy"}]}}}}'
- install by helm charts
- install by kubectl
- install open source CSI driver on following platforms:
- install managed CSI driver on following platforms:
- Please see our support policy
- Please refer to Azure Blob Storage CSI Driver Limitations
- Please refer to development guide
- Check testgrid provider-azure-blobfuse-csi-driver dashboard.