
Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Lightweight runner for kubernetes tests. Uses the conformance image(s) released by the kubernetes release team to either run individual tests or the entire Conformance suite. Design is pretty simple, it starts the conformance image as a pod in the conformance namespace, waits for it to finish and then prints out the results.


$ make build
go build -o bin/hydrophone main.go


go install github.com/dims/hydrophone@latest

Command line options

$ bin/hydrophone --help
Usage of bin/hydrophone:
  -busybox-image string
        specify an alternate busybox container image. (default "registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/busybox:1.36.1-1")
        run conformance tests.
  -conformance-image string
        specify a conformance container image of your choice. (default "registry.k8s.io/conformance:v1.29.0")
        run in dry run mode.
  -focus string
        focus runs a specific e2e test. e.g. - sig-auth. allows regular expressions.
  -kubeconfig string
        path to the kubeconfig file.
  -output-dir string
        directory for logs. (defaults to current directory)
  -parallel int
        number of parallel threads in test framework. (default 1)
  -skip string
        skip specific tests. allows regular expressions.
  -verbosity int
        verbosity of test framework. (default 4)


Ensure there is a KUBECONFIG environment variable specified or $HOME/.kube/config file present before running hydrophone Alternatively, you can specify the path to the kubeconfig file with the --kubeconfig option.

To run conformance tests use:

bin/hydrophone --conformance

To run a specific test use:

bin/hydrophone --focus 'Simple pod should contain last line of the log'

To specify a version of conformance image use:

bin/hydrophone --image 'registry.k8s.io/conformance:v1.29.0'


Check if the pod is running:

kubectl get pods -n conformance

use kubectl logs or kubectl exec to see what is happening in the pod.


Delete the pod

kubectl delete -n conformance pods/e2e-conformance-test

Delete the namespace

kubectl delete -n conformance pods/e2e-conformance-test && kubectl delete ns conformance