The Galaxy Zoo View of the Hubble Sequence

The working document for a paper on the “Galaxy Zoo view of the Hubble sequence”.

Ross’s repository with figures:

To do list (also see “Issues”):

  • References to review more carefully:

    • Sandage 2005:
    • de Vaucouleur 1959 In Handuch der Physik, Vol. 53, ed. S Flugge p 275, Berlin: Springer-Verlag (! - a RH94 ref, hope it’s not in German)
    • Sandage 1961. The Hubble Atlas of Galaxies, Washington: Carnegie Inst. Washington.
    • Sandage 1975. In {\it Stars and Stellar Systems}, Vol 9. ed. A. Sandage, M. Sandage, J. Kristian, p1, Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press.
    • Buta 1992 (may need help here - I bet Portsmouth Library will not have these - found in the citation list of Roberts & Haynes)
      • Buta, R. in {\it Morphological and Physical Classification of Galaxies}, ed. G. Longo, M. Capaccioli, G. Busarelo, p1, Dordrecht:Kluwer
      • Buta R. See Thuan et al. 1992 p 3 (?) - Thuan et al. 1992, Physics of Nearby Galaxies. Gif-sur-Yvette: Frontiers
    • Buta, Corwin, & Odewahn 2007
    • Using B/D and calling it morphology: \bibitem[Lofthouse et al.(2017)]{2017arXiv170901519L} Lofthouse, E.~K., Kaviraj, S., Smith, D.~J.~B., & Hardcastle, M.~J.\ 2017, arXiv:1709.01519
  • Discussion of the significance of pitch angle


Comments from Bill at GZ10:

  • Not how Sandage described the process. Sandage had larger scale plates.
  • de Vaucouleur did tend to favour bulge size.

Comments from Bill by email:

“Let me cheerlead for the idea of revisiting the 2014 draft. Tis is a major thing in classical morphology. We might be able to consider whether there are visual biases from photographs that could have led to Hubble’s view (and in fact trace where that appeared historically), since use of bulge prominence predates practically all photographic photometry and quantitative decomposition. For example, there are spirals with very luminous bulges but large scale length for the bulge (NGC 3521 was my standard example, but the amateur deep imaging coordinated by Gonzalez-Delgado may show that to be tidal structure rather than a genuine relaxed bulge). NGC 7331 is kind of similar in that way.”

Kormendy & Bender (2012) - “everything that is not forbidden is mandatory” (when it comes to galaxy evolution processes).