
This script is written with bash and installs 24 tools written with golang and also downloads 24 tools on github.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Bug Hunting common tools

This script is written with bash and installs 24 tools written with golang and also downloads 24 tools on github. ⚠️ Before using, you need to install Golang



  • pdtm -> 14 Tools

  • cut-cdn

  • ffuf

  • xsubfind3r

  • unfurl

  • gau

  • anew

  • amass

  • csprecon

  • chaos

  • waybackurls

  • gospider

  • assetfinder

  • gf

  • meg

  • waybackrobots

  • active-ip

  • fuzzuli

  • sns

  • surf

  • hakip2host

  • meg

  • jsluice

  • sourcemapper

  • paramx

  • x8

  • gopherus

  • kiterunner

  • naabu

  • trufflehog

  • joomscan

  • kxss

  • uro

  • IIS-ShortName-Scanner

  • LinkFinder

  • apkleaks

  • ghauri

  • programs-watcher

  • fback

  • backupKiller

  • assetfinder

  • robofinder

  • x9

  • ip-range-to-cidr

  • flinks

  • crtfinder

  • paramspider

  • cdn-ranges


git clone https://github.com/rjsoheil/Tool_Installer.git
cd Tool_Installer
chmod +x installer_48.sh


./installer.sh image

Two Options:

  • Y Option👉🏽

    • libcurl4-openssl-dev libpcap-dev libatk1.0-0 libxcomposite-dev libxrandr2 libxkbcommon-x11-0 python3-pip vim curl zsh git net-tools tmux build-essential make python3-apt python3-distutils libssl-dev curl zsh git vim jq php
  • N Option👉🏽

  • image
    • 1 -> Clear 😉

    • 2 : image - Starting Downloads image