Form React Boilerplate

React project to build Forms dynamically from Strapi backend or simple object


  • Vite
  • React
  • React router dom
  • Tailwind
  • Formik
  • React Select

Vite React TypeScript Project

This project was created using Vite, React and TypeScript.

How to run the project:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the project directory using the terminal.
  3. Run the command npm install to install the project dependencies.
  4. Run the command npm run dev to start the development server.
  5. Open your browser and navigate to to view the project.

Project Scripts:


The dev script is used to start the development server. It can be run using the command:

npm run dev

This will start the development server at http://localhost:3000.


The build script is used to build the project for production. It can be run using the command:

npm run build

This will create a dist folder with the compiled project files.


The preview script is used to preview the production build locally. It can be run using the command:

npm run preview

This will start a local server to preview the production build at http://localhost:5000.