The freenect2 module provides a Python interface to the libfreenect2 library. The libfreenect2 library provides a library allowing depth and RGB data to be extracted from a Kinect for Windows v2 (K4W2) device.
If using this library in an academic context, please use the DOI linked above.
Although a lot of libfreenect2 functionality is exposed, simple "single grab" usage of freenect2 should be simple. For example, here is how to grab a single depth frame and save it to a grayscale JPEG:
from PIL.ImageMath import eval as im_eval
from freenect2 import Device, FrameType
device = Device()
with device.running():
for frame_type, frame in device:
if frame_type is FrameType.Depth:
# Convert range of depth image to 0->255.
norm_im = im_eval('convert(I / 16, "L")', I=frame.to_image())'depth.jpg')
Installation instructions and reference documentation are available on the associated documentation pages.