
A quick/niave POC of what a clean architecture using ASP.NET Minimal APIs and Microsoft Orleans could look like with minimal plumbing.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A quick/niave POC of what a clean architecture using ASP.NET Minimal APIs and Microsoft Orleans could look like with minimal plumbing.


  1. Validation of incoming HTTP request
  2. Mapping from HTTP model to domain object
  3. Minimal extra code - both from "framework" side as well as application side

Request Flow

HTTP [GET/POST] Request -> RequestProcessor -> RequestHandler -> (Validation (if registered), Mapping from model to domain object (if required), Hander ExecuteRequest) -> HTTP IResult Response


Clone the repo run the following command from the root of the repo:

dotnet run --project ./src/Sample.Profile.Api.Host/Sample.Profile.Api.Host.csproj

Use your favorite HTTP testing tool to send a POST request:

POST http://localhost:5000/profile
Content-Type: application/json

  "givenName": "Clark",
  "surname": "Kent",
  "dateOfBirth": "1987-05-03T00:00:00.00+00:00",
  "emailAddress": "clarkkent@example.com",
  "phoneNumber": "5555551234"

Copy the guid from the location header in the response and issue new GET request:

GET http://localhost:5000/profile/f69abf28-db65-415f-bd8e-871134070272

To observe how everything works, place a breakpoint in Orleans.Cqrs.Core.RequestProcessor.ExecuteRequestAsync of the Orleans.Cqrs.Core project


Much of this solution could be replaced with an alternative like MediatR, however, I wanted to do this as a thought experiment and here we are.

Similar Orleans solutions exist: