Recycleable validations for Backbone models. Define, apply, and evaluate your own!
var StringValidator = Backbone.Validator.extend({
validate: function (model) {
var attribute = this.options.attribute;
if (!_.isString(model.get(attribute))) {
this.addError(model, attribute, 'must be a string');
var ValidatableModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
validatesWith: [
new StringValidator({ attribute: 'theAnswer' })
var myModel = new ValidatableModel;
myModel.set({ theAnswer: 'Forty Two' }); // ok
myModel.set({ theAnswer: 42 }); // invalid!
Failing validations will set error messages on the model that can be used to debug over provide user feedback:
_.each(myModel.errors.theAnswer, function (message) {
console.log('invalid because: ' + message);