jsdares is an experimental learning environment. You can learn by playing "dares" created by other users, or explore the "computational universe" on your own. If you already know programming, you can create dares and share them with the world.
All the code for jsdares was written in Javascript by Jan Paul Posma for a masters dissertation at the University of Oxford. The code is available under the MIT license, approved by both copyright holders: Jan Paul Posma and the University of Oxford (for code written before 1 October 2012). You can also view the thesis online.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to jsdares in one way or another (see the dissertation for a complete list). Special thanks to these people for libraries and icons: jQuery (MIT license); Twitter Bootstrap (Apache license); Glyphicons, Mark James, Camila Bertoco, Nathan Driskell, Paul Robert Lloyd (CC-BY license); Olav Andreas Lindekleiv (BSD license).
Please drop a line at jp@jsdares.com if you want to talk!