
Ad Astra is a dynamic Discord bot that brings a touch of space-themed humor and practicality to your server. With features like status rotation, color exploration, and utility commands, Ad Astra is designed to enhance your Discord experience.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Ad Astra Discord Bot

Ad Astra is a versatile and fun Discord bot designed to add entertainment and utility to your server. Whether you're looking for space-themed commands, color exploration, or administrative functionalities, Ad Astra has you covered.


  • Status Rotation: Ad Astra dynamically rotates through various status messages, bringing a touch of humor and engagement to your server.

  • Ping Command: Check the responsiveness of the bot with the $ping command.

  • Repeat Command: Repeat messages in the channel with $repeat <message> and log them for reference.

  • Rules Command: Display server rules with $rules (admin only).

  • Purge Command: Admins can delete a specified number of messages using $purge <amount>.

  • Color Command: Explore and share colors using $color <hex_code>.

  • Other Fun Commands: Roll a dice, flip a coin, ask "Shall I?" and more.

Getting Started

  1. Invite Ad Astra to Your Server: Use the provided OAuth2 URL to add Ad Astra to your Discord server.

  2. Set Up Environment Variables: Create a .env file and set the TOKEN variable with your bot token.


  3. Run the Bot: Execute the bot by running python bot.py in your terminal.

  • $ping <target>: Check the ping to a specified target.
  • $repeat <message>: Repeat a message and delete the original.
  • $rules: Display server rules (admin command).
  • $purge <amount>: Delete a specified number of messages (admin command).
  • $color <hex_code>: Generate and display a color block based on the provided hex code.
  • $hello: Greet the bot.
  • $dice [sides]: Roll a dice with the specified number of sides (default: 6).
  • $flip: Flip a coin.
  • $shalli: Ask a yes or no question.
  • $rps <choice>: Play Rock, Paper, Scissors with the bot.
  • $gtn: Play Guess the Number with the bot.


Contributions to Ad Astra are welcome! If you have suggestions, bug reports, or want to contribute new features, feel free to create a pull request or open an issue on the GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Ad Astra Discord Bot | GitHub Repository