Creating a hotspot

This repository contains a script and the necessary configuration files to start a wifi hotspot. In theory the hotspot could be set up via the networkmanager alone but for some reason it did not work for all devices. It worked fine for an Android phone but not for an iPad. There is quite some information about configuring hotspots on the internet but not so much about how to play nice with the networkmanager and firewalld services. So this script to start the hotspot uses the nmcli and firewalld-cmd commands to set up the hotspot.

To create a hotspot, the hostapd and dnsmasq packages have to be installed. The configuration of both daemons in /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf, /etc/dnsmasq.conf, and /etc/hosts.dnsmasq has to be adjusted as in the configuration files in this repository. It is important to replace all occurrences of <hostname>, <password>, <in-device>, and <out-device> in all files with proper values. The field <hostname> should be replaced with the hostname of the machine. The fields <hostname> and <password> will be used as ssid and password when connecting to the hotspot. The field <in-device> should be set to the device that provides the hotspot and the field <out-device> should be set to the device connected to the internet. Then, to start the hotspot, only the script has to be executed as root user.

For example, to get the required values, run the following:

$ hostname

$ nmcli device show | grep GENERAL.DEVICE -A1
GENERAL.DEVICE:                         enp0s31f6
GENERAL.TYPE:                           ethernet
GENERAL.DEVICE:                         wlp1s0
GENERAL.TYPE:                           wifi

Here <hostname> is meabau, <in-device> is wlp1s0 and <out-device> is enp0s31f6.