
Read from a product file and map to a database object

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Product Information Ingestion Library

Product Information Mapping

Read from a product file and map to a database object

Build status

Instructions for running the project:

This project uses a normal maven based build. Building generally takes the form of:

mvn clean install

Other normal maven goals are supported as well.

The CI build can be found here.

The last built jar can be found here. The last build test results can be found here.

The entrypoint is the class:

class ProductFileMapper(
    private val destination: (ProductDescription) -> Unit,
    private val source: (BufferedReader) -> Flow<String> =
        { reader -> reader.lineSequence().asFlow() },
    private val storeMapperMap: Map<String, StoreMapper> =

The only required parameter is the destination, the other parameters are only for special use-cases. The destination parameter determines the disposition of each ProductDescription type that is read in from a BufferedReader (add to a database or collection). Internally the function uses the Flow type from the coroutine library, but unless you create your own source, that should be transparent.

The main function is this:

suspend fun mapProductReader(reader: BufferedReader, storeName: String): Unit

This takes a BufferedReader as an input source, and a storeName that indexes into a yaml file. It is the caller's responsibility to close the stream or file it came from when the processing is finished. It is also the caller's responsibility to decide the threading for the suspend. The only store currently listed in the yaml file is 'SuperStore'.

The yaml file is designed like so:

type: "Stores"
  - name: "SuperStore"
      - storeFileFieldName: "productId"
        productDescriptionField: "productId"
        startOffset: 1
        endOffset: 8
        converterClassName: "net.kamradt.pfm.converter.Number"
      - storeFileFieldName: ""
        productDescriptionField: "taxRate"
        converterClassName: "net.kamradt.pfm.converter.TaxRate"

Note, this is a truncated version of the actual stores.yaml. Either the storeFileFieldName or the productDescriptionField or both must be present. If both fields are present, a common converter such as net.kamradt.pfm.converter.Number can be used to map the input field to the output field. If there is only a storeFileFieldName the field is read from the input and saved. If there is only a productDescriptionField a specialized converter such as net.kamradt.pfm.converter.TaxRate must be used to determine the input fields used. New custom converters can be created but must implement the interface StoreFileDescriptorConverter.

To override the yaml packaged in the jar, put a /stores.yaml file on the classpath prior to the jar or pass in another storeMapperMap parameter to the ProductFileMapper constructor. The default one is created by this function:

fun configStoreMapBuilder(resourceName: String = "/stores.yaml"): Map<String, StoreMapper> {
    val mapper = ObjectMapper(YAMLFactory())
    ProductFileMapper::class.java.getResourceAsStream(resourceName).use {
        val stores: StoresFileDescriptor = mapper.readValue(it)
        return stores.stores.associateBy({it.name}, {createStoreMapper(it)})

Also in the library is an example calling of the ProductFileMapper.mapProdcutReader called readProductFromFile. This demonstrates calling the library with just a file and store name, and returning a list. It takes care of blocking and closing the file. This is the code:

fun readProductFromFile(file: File, storeName: String): List<ProductDescription> {
    val list = mutableListOf<ProductDescription>()
    val mapper = ProductFileMapper(
        destination = { list.add(it) }
    val reader = BufferedReader(FileReader(file, StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
    reader.use { // close the reader when we're done
        runBlocking { // block until the method is complete
            mapper.mapProductReader(reader, storeName)

    return list


(Copied from the requirements doc)

Swiftly needs to integrate with a grocery store's product information system so our system can stay current with the store's product inventory and pricing. Another dev will be responsible for ingesting the files and passing their contents to the processing library you create based on the requirements below.

Product Information Integration Architecture


Each store has its own product catalog service

  • Changes to product information are published to our integration service using a fixed-width flat file format defined by the store’s point of sale system (specifications below)
  • The store publishes update journal files at most every 60 seconds

Input: Store product catalog information. You can assume that this is a formal third-party API contract that has been rigorously validated and if there are any lines that don't adhere to the schema, they can be skipped.

Output: A collection of ProductRecord objects

Input Data Format

The file is in an ASCII-encoded flat file (fixed width) format. For this first phase of the project, you only need to ingest the first 10 fields of the record. There are actually several hundred fields that you'll add to the data model once you've circled back with the team on this first phase and there's consensus on the pattern you introduce. Here's the schema of the first 10 fields:

Start End [Inclusive] Name Type
1 8 Product ID Number
10 68 Product Description String
70 77 Regular Singular Price Currency
79 86 Promotional Singular Price Currency
88 95 Regular Split Price Currency
97 104 Promotional Split Price Currency
106 113 Regular For X Number
115 122 Promotional For X Number
124 132 Flags Flags
134 142 Product Size String

Field Data Types

  • Number - an integer value 8-digits long, zero left-padded
  • String - ASCII encoded string, space right-or-left-padded
  • Currency - US dollar value, where last two digits represent cents. The leading zero will be replaced with a dash if the value is negative
  • Flag - Y/N

Pricing Information

  • Prices can either be a singular price per unit (e.g. $1.00) or a split price (e.g. 2 for $0.99). Only one price per pricing level will exist. The other will be all 0's, which indicates there is no price.
  • If a price is split pricing, the Calculator Price is Split Price / For X
  • You can be guaranteed that the input file will follow these rules – consider it a contract that the producer will always abide by. No error checking is required for this first stage.


The first flag in the left-to-right array is #1

  • If Flag #3 is set, this is a per-weight item
  • If Flag #5 is set, the item is taxable. Tax rate is always 7.775%

ProductRecord object should contain at a minimum:

  • Product ID
  • Product Description
  • Regular Display Price (English-readable string of your choosing, e.g. "$1.00" or "3 for $1.00")
  • Regular Calculator Price (price the calculator should use, rounded to 4 decimal places, half-down)
  • Promotional Display Price, if it exists (same format as regular display price string)
  • Promotional Calculator Price, if it exists
  • Unit of Measure ("Each" or "Pound"). Weighted items are per pound
  • Product size
  • Tax rate