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ICN strives to automate the process of installing the local cluster controller to the greatest degree possible – "zero touch installation". Most of the work is done simply by booting up the jump server (Local Controller). Once booted, the controller is fully provisioned and begins to inspect and provision the bare metal servers, until the cluster is entirely configured. This document shows step-by-step how to configure the network and deployment architecture for the ICN blueprint.


Apache license v2.0

Deployment Architecture

The Local Controller is provisioned with the Metal3 Baremetal Operator and Ironic, which enable provisioning of bare metal servers. The controller has three network connections to the bare metal servers: network A connects bare metal servers, network B is a private network used for provisioning the bare metal servers and network C is the IPMI network, used for control during provisioning. In addition, the bare metal servers connect to the network D, the SRIOV network.

Figure 1Figure 1: Deployment Architecture

  • Net A -- Bare metal network, lab networking for ssh. It is used as the control plane for k8s, used by OVN and Flannel for the overlay networking.
  • Net B (internal network) -- Provisioning network used by Ironic to do inspection.
  • Net C (internal network) -- IPMI LAN to do IPMI protocol for the OS provisioning. The NICs support IPMI. The IP address should be statically assigned via the IPMI tool or other means.
  • Net D (internal network) -- Data plane network for the Akraino application. Using the SR-IOV networking and fiber cables. Intel 25GB and 40GB FLV NICs.

In some deployment models, you can combine Net C and Net A to be the same networks, but the developer should take care of IP address management between Net A and IPMI address of the server.

Also note that the IPMI NIC may share the same RJ-45 jack with another one of the NICs.

Pre-installation Requirements

There are two main components in ICN Infra Local Controller - Local Controller and k8s compute cluster.

Local Controller

The Local Controller will reside in the jump server to run the Metal3 operator, Binary Provisioning Agent (BPA) operator and BPA REST API controller.

k8s Compute Cluster

The k8s compute cluster will actually run the workloads and is installed on bare metal servers.

Hardware Requirements

Minimum Hardware Requirement

All-in-one VM based deployment requires servers with at least 32 GB RAM and 32 CPUs.

Recommended Hardware Requirements

Recommended hardware requirements are servers with 64GB Memory, 32 CPUs and SRIOV network cards.

Software Prerequisites

The jump server is required to be pre-installed with Ubuntu 18.04.

Database Prerequisites

No prerequisites for ICN blueprint.

Other Installation Requirements

Jump Server Requirements

Jump Server Hardware Requirements

  • Local Controller: at least three network interfaces.
  • Bare metal servers: four network interfaces, including one IPMI interface.
  • Four or more hubs, with cabling, to connect four networks.

(Tested as below)

Hostname CPU Model Memory Storage 1GbE: NIC#, VLAN, (Connected extreme 480 switch) 10GbE: NIC# VLAN, Network (Connected with IZ1 switch)
jump0 Intel 2xE5-2699 64GB 3TB (Sata)
180 (SSD)
eth0: VLAN 110
eno1: VLAN 110
eno2: VLAN 111
eno3: VLAN 112

Jump Server Software Requirements

ICN supports Ubuntu 18.04. The ICN blueprint installs all required software during make install.

Network Requirements

Please refer to figure 1 for all the network requirements of the ICN blueprint.

Please make sure you have 3 distinguished networks - Net A, Net B and Net C as mentioned in figure 1. Local Controller uses the Net B and Net C to provision the bare metal servers to do the OS provisioning.

Bare Metal Server Requirements

k8s Compute Cluster

Compute Server Hardware Requirements

(Tested as below)

Hostname CPU Model Memory Storage 1GbE: NIC#, VLAN, (Connected extreme 480 switch) 10GbE: NIC# VLAN, Network (Connected with IZ1 switch)
node1 Intel 2xE5-2699 64GB 3TB (Sata)
180 (SSD)
eth0: VLAN 110
eno1: VLAN 110
eno2: VLAN 111
eno3: VLAN 112
eno4: VLAN 113
node2 Intel 2xE5-2699 64GB 3TB (Sata)
180 (SSD)
eth0: VLAN 110
eno1: VLAN 110
eno2: VLAN 111
eno3: VLAN 112
eno4: VLAN 113
node3 Intel 2xE5-2699 64GB 3TB (Sata)
180 (SSD)
eth0: VLAN 110
eno1: VLAN 110
eno2: VLAN 111
eno3: VLAN 112
eno4: VLAN 113

Compute Server Software Requirements

The Local Controller will install all the software in compute servers from the OS to the software required to bring up the k8s cluster.

Execution Requirements (Bare Metal Only)

The ICN blueprint checks all the precondition and execution requirements for bare metal.

Installation High-Level Overview

Installation is two-step process and everything starts with one command make install.

  • Installation of the Local Controller.
  • Installation of compute cluster.

Bare Metal Deployment Guide

Install Bare Metal Jump Server

Creating a Node Inventory File

Preconfiguration for the Local Controller in Jump Server

The user is required to provide the IPMI information of the servers they connect to the Local Controller by editing node JSON sample file in the directory icn/deploy/metal3/scripts/nodes.json.sample as below. This example only shows 2 servers. If you want to increase servers, just add another array.


  "nodes": [{
    "name": "node1",
    "ipmi_driver_info": {
      "username": "admin",
      "password": "admin",
      "address": ""
    "os": {
      "image_name": "bionic-server-cloudimg-amd64.img",
      "username": "ubuntu",
      "password": "mypasswd"
    "name": "node2",
    "ipmi_driver_info": {
      "username": "admin",
      "password": "admin",
      "address": ""
    "os": {
      "image_name": "bionic-server-cloudimg-amd64.img",
      "username": "ubuntu",
      "password": "mypasswd"
Local Controller Metal3 Configuration Reference
  • node: The array of nodes required to add to Local Controller.
  • name: This will be the hostname for the machine, once it is provisioned by Metal3.
  • ipmi_driver_info: IPMI driver info is a json field. It currently holds the IPMI information required for Ironic to send the IPMI tool command.
    • username: BMC username required to be provided for Ironic.
    • password: BMC password required to be provided for Ironic.
    • address: BMC server IPMI LAN IP address.
  • os: Bare metal machine OS information is a json field. It currently holds the image name to be provisioned, username and password for the login.
    • image_name: Images name should be in qcow2 format.
    • username: Login username for the OS provisioned.
    • password: Login password for the OS provisioned.

Creating the Settings Files

Local Controller Network Configuration Reference

The user will find the network configuration file named as "user_config.sh" in the ICN parent directory.



#Local Controller - Bootstrap cluster DHCP connection
#BS_DHCP_INTERFACE defines the interfaces, to which ICN DHCP deployment will bind
export BS_DHCP_INTERFACE="eno3"

#BS_DHCP_INTERFACE_IP defines the IPAM for the ICN DHCP to be managed.

#Edge Location Provider Network configuration
#Net A - Provider Network
#If provider having specific Gateway and DNS server details in the edge location

#Ironic Metal3 settings for provisioning network
#Interface to which Ironic provision network to be connected
#Net B - Provisioning Network
export IRONIC_INTERFACE="eno2"

#Ironic Metal3 setting for IPMI LAN Network
#Interface to which Ironic IPMI LAN should bind
#Net C - IPMI LAN Network

#Interface IP for the IPMI LAN, ICN verfiy the LAN Connection is active or not
#Net C - IPMI LAN Network


After configuring the node inventory file and network configuration files, please run make install from the ICN parent directory as shown below:

root@pod11-jump:# git clone "https://gerrit.akraino.org/r/icn"
Cloning into 'icn'...
remote: Counting objects: 69, done
remote: Finding sources: 100% (69/69)
remote: Total 4248 (delta 13), reused 4221 (delta 13)
Receiving objects: 100% (4248/4248), 7.74 MiB | 21.84 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1078/1078), done.
root@pod11-jump:# cd icn/
root@pod11-jump:# vim Makefile
root@pod11-jump:# make install

The following steps occurs once the make install command is given.

  1. All the software required to run the bootstrap cluster is downloaded and installed.
  2. k8s cluster to maintain the bootstrap cluster and all the servers in the edge location is installed.
  3. Metal3 specific network configuration such as local DHCP server networking for each edge location, Ironic networking for both provisioning network and IPMI LAN network are identified and created.
  4. Metal3 is launched with IPMI configuration as configured in "user_config.sh" and provisions the bare metal servers using IPMI LAN network. For more information refer to the Debugging Failures section.
  5. Metal3 launch verification runs with a timeout of 60 mins by checking the status of all the servers being provisioned or not.
    1. All servers are provisioned in parallel. For example, if your deployment is having 10 servers in the edge location, all the 10 servers are provisioned at the same time.
    2. Metal3 launch verification takes care of checking all the servers are provisioned, the network interfaces are up and provisioned with a provider network gateway and DNS server.
    3. Metal3 launch verification checks the status of all servers given in user_config.sh to make sure all the servers are provisioned. For example, if 8 servers are provisioned and 2 servers are not provisioned, launch verification makes sure all servers are provisioned before launch k8s clusters on those servers.
  6. BPA bare metal components are invoked with the MAC address of the servers provisioned by Metal3, BPA bare metal components decide the cluster size and also the number of clusters required in the edge location.
  7. BPA bare metal runs the containerized Kuberenetes Reference Deployment (KUD) as a job for each cluster. KUD installs the k8s cluster on the slice of servers and install ONAP4K8S and all other default plugins such as Multus, OVN, OVN4NFV, NFD, Virtlet and SRIOV.
  8. BPA REST API agent installed in the bootstrap cluster or jump server, and this install rest-api, rook/ceph, MinIO as the cloud storage. This provides a way for user to upload their own software, container images or OS image to jump server.

Virtual Deployment Guide

Standard Deployment Overview

Figure 2Figure 2: Virtual Deployment Architecture

Virtual deployment is used for the development environment using Metal3 virtual deployment to create VM with PXE boot. VM Ansible scripts the node inventory file in /opt/ironic. No setting is required from the user to deploy the virtual deployment.

Snapshot Deployment Overview

No snapshot is implemented in ICN R2.

Special Requirements for Virtual Deployment

Install Jump Server

Jump server is required to be installed with Ubuntu 18.04. This will install all the VMs and install the k8s clusters. Same as bare metal deployment, use make vm_install to install virtual deployment.

Verifying the Setup - VMs

make verify_all installs two VMs with name master-0 and worker-0 with 8GB RAM and 8 vCPUs and installs k8s cluster on the VMs using the ICN BPA operator and install the ICN BPA REST API verifier. BPA operator installs the multi-cluster KUD to bring up k8s with all addons and plugins.

Verifying the Setup

ICN blueprint checks all the setup in both bare metal and VM deployment. Verify script will check that Metal3 provisioned the OS in each bare metal servers by checking with a timeout period of 60 sec and interval of 30. BPA operator verifier will check whether the KUD installation is complete by doing plain curl command to the k8s cluster installed in bare metal and VM setup.

Bare Metal Verifier: Run the make bm_verifer, it will verify the bare-metal deployment.

Verifier: Run the make vm_verifier, it will verify the virtual deployment.

Developer Guide and Troubleshooting

For development uses the virtual deployment, it take up to 10 mins to bring up the virtual BMC VMs with PXE boot. Virtual deployment works well for the BPA operator development for Metal3 installation scripts.

Utilization of Images

No images provided in this ICN release.

Post-deployment Configuration

No post-deployment configuration required in this ICN release.

Debugging Failures

  • For first time installation enable KVM console in the trial or lab servers using Raritan console or use Intel web BMC console.

    Figure 3

  • Deprovision state will result in Ironic agent sleeping before next heartbeat - it is not an error. It results in bare metal server without OS and installed with ramdisk.

  • Deprovision in Metal3 is not straight forward - Metal3 follows various stages from provisioned, deprovisioning and ready. ICN blueprint take care navigating the deprovisioning states and removing the BareMetalHost (BMH) custom resouce in case of cleaning.

  • Manual BMH cleaning of BMH or force cleaning of BMH resource result in hang state - use make bmh_clean to remove the BMH state.

  • Logs of Ironic, openstack baremetal command to see the state of the server.

  • Logs of baremetal operator gives failure related to images or images md5sum errors.

  • It is not possible to change the state from provision to deprovision or deprovision to provision without completing that state. All the issues are handled in ICN scripts.

  • k8s cluster failure can be debugged by KUD Pod logs.

Reporting a Bug

Required Linux Foundation ID to launch bug in ICN: https://jira.akraino.org/projects/ICN/issues

Uninstall Guide

Bare Metal deployment

The command make clean_all uninstalls all the components installed by make install

  • It de-provision all the servers provisioned and removes them from Ironic database.
  • Baremetal operator is deleted followed by Ironic database and container.
  • Network configuration such internal DHCP server, provisioning interfaces and IPMI LAN interfaces are deleted.
  • docker images built during the make install are deleted, such as all Ironic, baremetal operator, BPA operator and KUD images.
  • KUD will reset the bootstrap cluster - k8s cluster is torn down in the jump server and all the associated docker images are removed.
  • All software packages installed by make install_all are removed, such as Ironic, openstack utility tool, docker packages and basic prerequisite packages.

Virtual deployment

The command make vm_clean_all uninstalls all the components for the virtual deployments.


Error Message Guide

The error message is explicit, all messages are captured in log directory.


Blueprint Package Maintenance

No packages are maintained in ICN.

Software maintenance

Not applicable.

Hardware maintenance

Not applicable.

BluePrint Deployment Maintenance

Not applicable.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to setup IPMI?

First, make sure the IPMI tool is installed in your servers, if not install them using apt install ipmitool. Then, check for the ipmitool information of each servers using the command ipmitool lan print 1. If the above command doesn't show the IPMI information, then setup the IPMI static IP address using the following instructions:

BMC web console URL is not working?

It is hard to find issues or reason. Check the ipmitool bmc info to find the issues, if the URL is not available.

No change in BMH state - provisioning state is for more than 40min?

Generally, Metal3 provision for bare metal takes 20 - 30 mins. Look at the Ironic logs and baremetal operator to look at the state of servers. Openstack baremetal node shows all state of the server right from power, storage.

Why provide network is required?

Generally, provider network DHCP servers in lab provide the router and DNS server details. In some lab setup DHCP server don't provide this information.


* Copyright 2019 Intel Corporation, Inc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.


Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations