
Music Recommendation system using Conjoint analysis, an advanced analytic technique. which gives importance to features.

Primary LanguagePython


Music Recommendation system using Conjoint analysis, an advanced analytic technique. which gives importance to features.


Step 1

Update data/config.json as follows:

  • update client_id, client_secret by using https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard/applications
  • update your liked songs in "songs" attribute, and also rate each songs on a scale to 10.
  • update keys required for processing (optional. If updated, then max, min values of the keys also has to be updated)

Step 2

Use run function under runner.Runner module to realise your music taste.

Step 3

Use run_tests function under runner.Runner module to find worth of playlists. args: previously computed partworths, list of playlists (playlist - list of track names)

Check #usage in runner.Runner module for further instructions.