
The goal of this repository is to collect annual releases of the swissBOUNDARIES3D dataset.


Open use. Must provide the source.

  • You may use this dataset for non-commercial purposes.
  • You may use this dataset for commercial purposes.
  • You must provide the source (author, title and link to the dataset).

Source: Swiss Federal Office of Topography

Available Data

The following years are currently available for download:


Each archived release is versioned as {year}.{revision}. Usually there is only a single revision per year. A once archived version will never change.

Predictable Structure

The official download URL for the swissBOUNDARIES3D dataset is not versioned and the data does not have a predictable machine-readable structure, it is provided as several shapefiles inside a zip archive inside another zip archive, with somewhat arbitrary names.

The releases collected here allow permalinking to a revision with a known data structure.


The datasets collected here are available in the GeoJSON format in the swiss-boundaries-geojson project.