
Mulitple Regression and EDA

Homework 2

You are currently in the GitHub repo for HW-2. Please refer to the HW Submission Exercise from HW-0 on how to

  • Download all the necessary files for this HW via a GitHub fork and creating an RStudio project.
  • Submit your assignment via a GitHub commit/push and then a pull request.

This homework will cover the following topics:

  • Multiple Regression
  • Exploratory data analysis


  • The HW requirements have changed: You must either submit
    • A pre-grading feedback request on Wednesday 3/16 OR
    • A post-grading feedback request by Wednesday 4/6
  • Feel free to submit both, but only if you like.
  • You must first copy the file profiles.csv from Lec09 to this project directory: HW-2.
  • Chapter 1 of "Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models" by Andrew Gelman and Jennifer Hill is relevant for Question 1. It can be found in the non-public section of the class GitHub page.
  • We will have a discussion about this HW in the Wilson Media Lab on Wednesday 4/6.