Source of rOpenSci Expanding Software Peer Review

Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public. GitHub Actions Workflow for commits to master

This is the source repository for rOpenSci's Statistical Software Peer Review project. It is organized as a git book at

rOpenSci runs software peer review for R packages focused on data lifecycle management. To apply these processes to software implementing statistical methods and algorithms, we need new ways of evaluating and testing software, and managing the review process. This book serves as a home for collecting research and developing those standards. As the book develops, it book will become an extension of rOpenSci Packages: Development, Maintenance, and Peer Review, documenting not only our guidelines for statistical software but also the process of expanding the scope of review so it may be reproduced in other domains.

You are invited to contribute to this project by filing suggestions as issues in the book's GitHub repository. We also have a dedicated area for discussion on the rOpenSci forum.

For this project we are lucky to have support of a great steering committee. The committee's role is to help us with outreach to statistical communities, vetting community input and prioritizing our work. They are:

This work is supported by the Sloan Foundation and is organized under an R Consortium Working Group.


The structure of this book was derived from rOpenSci's Blog Guidelines for Authors and Editors by Stefanie Butland and Maëlle Salmon, itself started using Sean Kross's minimal bookdown example.

All of the content of this repository is licensed CC0-1.0.


All contributions to this project are gratefully acknowledged using the allcontributors package following the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!











Issue Authors

