A simple way to summarize file usage in a given directory. I wrote this a long long time ago and was recently asked for the source. The script is still in production today in an linux environment with quota'd NFS-mounted home directories.
count_files.pl - A tool for summarizing inode usage within a directory
- summarizes the current directory
-- or --
count_files.pl <<directory_to_search>>
- summarizes the given directory
-- or --
count_files.pl --help
count_files.pl --man
- prints out help and man pages
This script provides a simple way to summarize file usage for a given
directory. Why is this important? Well, you probably got here because
you are over your "files" quota and need help in clearing out
unused/uneeded files. While there are good tools for determine disk
space usage there were not (until now) any for determining file usage.
Run this tool from within your home directory to get a listing of your
10 directories with the most files. You can then tar or delete
unused/uneeded files and directories until you are under quota. As
always be careful when deleting files from your directory.
-h, --help
Display a program usage screen and exit.
-m, --man
Displays this page.
- gives an file summary for the current working directory
count_files.pl public_html
- gives an file summary for the public_html directory
File::Find: The meat and potatoes of this script
Getopt::Long: Handles argument parsing
Pod::Usage: Prints out this great message
1) ignore requests for additional features
2) drink beer