The NOAA Data Visualization repository.
This repository contains R scripts and documentation pertaining to the following Shiny app:
[NOAADataViz Shiny App] (
Below is a description of the files in this repository:
NOAADataViz.Rpres Rpres presentation; Overview of the NOAADataViz Shiny app and its usage.Created using RStudio Presenter
NOAADataViz.html HTML file generated from NOAADataViz.Rpres
Markdown file generated from NOAADataViz.Rpres
ui.R server.R R scripts; NOAADataViz Shiny app UI and server (operational) components This file. Overview of repository and contents.
data Directory; Contains data files used by NOAADataViz app/presentation
data/noaa_storm_data_sample.csv Dataset used for NOAADataViz analysis and visualization
The NOAADataViz presentation can be viewed by accessing the following link (on GitHub Pages):