Decrypts WhatsApp .crypt14 and .crypt15 files, given the key file or the 64-characters long key.
The key file is named "key" if the backup is crypt14 or
"encrypted_backup.key" if the backup is crypt15 (encrypted E2E backups).
The output result is either a SQLite database
or a ZIP file (in case of wallpapers and stickers).
This is the only thing this script does.
Those who are looking for a complete suite for
WhatsApp forensics, check out whapa.
Just copy-paste this block into your terminal
(should be multi-platform)
git clone
cd WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Remember to download the proto folder!
Python 3.7 or more recent
pycriptodomex or pycryptodome
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m pip install pycryptodomex javaobj-py3 protobuf
usage: [-h] [-f] [-nm] [-bs BUFFER_SIZE] [-ng] [-np]
[-ivo IV_OFFSET] [-do DATA_OFFSET] [-v]
[keyfile] [encrypted] [decrypted]
Decrypts WhatsApp backup files encrypted with Crypt14 or Crypt15
positional arguments:
keyfile The WhatsApp encrypted_backup key file or the hex
encoded key. Default: encrypted_backup.key
encrypted The encrypted crypt15 or crypt14 file. Default:
decrypted The decrypted output file. Default: msgstore.db
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f, --force Makes errors non fatal. Default: false
-nm, --no-mem Does not load files in RAM, stresses the disk more.
Default: load files into RAM
-bs BUFFER_SIZE, --buffer-size BUFFER_SIZE
How many bytes of data to process at a time. Implies
-nm. Default: 8192
-ng, --no-guess Does not try to guess the offsets, only protobuf
-np, --no-protobuf Does not try to parse the protobuf message, only
offset guessing.
-ivo IV_OFFSET, --iv-offset IV_OFFSET
The default offset of the IV in the encrypted file.
Only relevant in offset guessing mode. Default: 8
-do DATA_OFFSET, --data-offset DATA_OFFSET
The default offset of the encrypted data in the
encrypted file. Only relevant in offset guessing mode.
Default: 122
-v, --verbose Prints all offsets and messages
python ./ ./encrypted_backup.key ./msgstore.db.crypt15 ./msgstore.db
[I] Crypt15 key loaded
[I] Database header parsed
[I] Done
python ./ b1ef5568c31686d3339bcae4600c56cf7f0cb1ae982157060879828325257c11 ./msgstore.db.crypt15 ./msgstore.db
[I] Crypt15 key loaded
[I] Database header parsed
[I] Done
python ./ ./key ./msgstore.db.crypt14 ./msgstore.db
[I] Crypt12/14 key loaded
[I] Database header parsed
[I] Done
python ./ ./key ./msgstore.db.crypt12 ./msgstore.db -np -ivo 51 -do 67
[I] Crypt12/14 key loaded
[I] WhatsApp version not found
[I] Offsets guessed (IV: 51, data: 67).
[I] Done
Please open an issue.
Please open an issue and attach:
- Output of the program (both with and without --force)
- Hexdump of keyfile
- Hexdump of first 512 bytes of encrypted DB
On a rooted Android device, you can just copy
(or /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/encrypted_backup.key
if backups are crypt15).
If you enabled E2E backups and you did not use a password
(you have a copy of the 64-digit key, for example a screenshot),
you can just transcribe and use it in lieu of the key file parameter.
There are other ways, but it is not in the scope of this project
to tell you.
Issues asking for this will be closed as invalid.
Original implementation for crypt12: TripCode
Some help at the beginning: DjEdu28
Actual crypt14/15 implementation with protobuf: ElDavoo