
Yet another plugin for deploy to SFTP/FTP/FTPS server from Drone CI pipeline

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Yet another plugin for deploy to SFTP/FTP/FTPS server from Drone CI pipeline


Create a new step inside your .drone.yml file with image attribute set to glxy/drone-ftp-deploy:latest.

Full usage example in .drone.yml


  - name: deploy
    image: glxy/drone-ftp-deploy:latest
        from_secret: ftp_login
        from_secret: ftp_password
      PLUGIN_FTP_HOSTNAME: ftp.example.com
      PLUGIN_SECURE: true
      PLUGIN_SRC_DIR: /dist
      PLUGIN_DEST_DIR: /public_html/website
      PLUGIN_CLEAN_DIR: true
      PLUGIN_INCLUDE: "**/*.html,**/*.js,**/*.css"
      PLUGIN_EXCLUDE: ".secret/*"
        - master
        - push


As you see, you can pass your envs as a hardcoded, or as a secret from Drone

Environment variables

Variable Type Default Description
PLUGIN_FTP_USERNAME String Login for FTP/SFTP account
PLUGIN_FTP_PASSWORD String Optional. Password for FTP/SFTP account
PLUGIN_FTP_HOSTNAME String FTP/SFTP server network address (can be IP or domain)
PLUGIN_FTP_PORT Number 21 Optional. FTP/SFTP server port
PLUGIN_SFTP Boolean false Optional. Determine whether to use SFTP
PLUGIN_SECURE Boolean false Optional. Determine whether to use FTPS
PLUGIN_SRC_DIR String / Optional. Path to your local resources
Default / means your project root directory. If your app builds into dist directory, then you have to change this env to /dist
PLUGIN_DEST_DIR String / Optional. Path to remote destination (where to put your files on the server)
PLUGIN_CLEAN_DIR Boolean false Optional. If true, delete ALL existing files at destination before uploading
PLUGIN_INCLUDE String **/* Optional. Determine which files want to upload (minimatch globs separated by a commas)
PLUGIN_EXCLUDE String Optional. Determine which files don't want to upload (minimatch globs separated by a commas)


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.