- Implement a working example of a modern JS framework with Server Side Rendering
- Produce a test app for UX to engage with using various browsers (with specific focus on OMX)
- Produce a test app for SEO / Marketing to evaluate for correctness according to their requirements, and provide a springboard to discuss related issues that may come up from these implementations (e.g. Page views, DFP etc, Initial Page load content)
- Share the knowledge gained from within the verticals to the rest of the group
- Consider two types of implementations. Firstly, a full SPA (which could handle the entire FE of an App) and secondly a smaller modular implementation which could be scoped to a small section of our current apps (e.g. Listings page) and not require a change to the FE architecture of the entire app.
- Document the best practices for each of the above implementations.
- Recommend or rule out a JS frontend implementation based on the above. Compile enough information for ventures to be more confident in their intended direction.
- Use the gained knowledge from this process to help direct future Group Engineering or shared resource projects. E.g. Common shared components on a specific framework
##UX Intro : HomeFoodie
##API Intro Currently we have 3 API endpoints 1. List / Search 2. Detail Show 3. List Cities
##Requirements Build a frontend to consume the API's provided. Use the UX design as a guide for your implementation. Some important notes:
Minimal CSS should be done. Use a framework, your current stylesheets from venture or anything else that will allow you to not focus on the CSS. If it looks a little crappy, that's fine. Styling / Design is not the objective of this workshop.
The entire app does not need to be built. Focus on the main features, in the sequence specified below
We're doing a mobile first approach. We're not worry about Desktop right now.
You can choose between 2 approaches.
- A separate SPA, sitting on a different origin. (This is more of an ideal case)
- An integrated React module, inside the laravel project (This is more of a realistic case with where we're at)
- Initial Focus:
- Food Details Show Page
- Food Index / Search Page
- Filtering (full screen take over)
- Server Side Rendering
- OMX Friendly
- Routing
- Modern Interactions
- Error handling / validation handling
- State Management
Menu item detail / show page http://fe-workshop.dylanharbour.com/api/food/1
Menu Item Index / List Page http://fe-workshop.dylanharbour.com/api/food/
City List Page http://fe-workshop.dylanharbour.com/api/city/
Pagination http://fe-workshop.dylanharbour.com/api/food/?page=3
- Search Term http://fe-workshop.dylanharbour.com/api/food/?city_id=3&q=chicken
- By City http://fe-workshop.dylanharbour.com/api/food/?city_id=3
- By Price http://fe-workshop.dylanharbour.com/api/food/?price_min=50&price_max=100
- Number of Eaters http://fe-workshop.dylanharbour.com/api/food/?feeds_count=1
Sorting (with direction change)
Ignore for now:
- Specific Styling
- Date / Lead time
- Special Diets
- Categories
- Profile Creation
- GeoLocation data
- Ratings