
Demonstration of React-Redux testing

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React-Redux Testing at App Academy

Sample Assessment for a Rails & React-Redux app.

Slides from React.js Meetup presentation available here.

Design Documents



  1. npm install
  2. bundle install
  3. bundle exec rake db:setup
  • NB: you will need to have a ListinggreSQL server running!
  • All required backend code is provided

To test your code live in the browser, run:

  1. rails server
  2. webpack --watch
  3. Navigate to localhost:3000.

NB: you do not need to have a server or webpack running to run and pass specs.

Running specs

You will be running your code using Jest. Navigate to the root folder of the skeleton and run npm test to run all specs at once.

To run a single spec file, see 'Debugging Tips' section below.

Where do the specs live?

For this assessment, Jest specs live in a single __tests__ folder within the frontend folder.

We recommend passing your specs in this order:

Entry point test:

  1. frontend/__tests__/reactA06-test.js

Redux tests:

  1. frontend/__tests__/listing_api_util-test.js
  2. frontend/__tests__/listing_actions-test.js
  3. frontend/__tests__/reducers-test.js
  4. frontend/__tests__/store-test.js

Component tests:

  1. frontend/__tests__/listing_index-test.js
  • Write ListingIndexContainer before ListingIndex (spec file tests both)
  1. frontend/__tests__/listing_index_item-test.js
  2. frontend/__tests__/listing_form-test.js
  • Write ListingFormContainer before ListingForm (spec file tests both)
  1. frontend/__tests__/listing_show-test.js
  • Write ListingShowContainer before ListingShow (spec file tests both)

Debugging tips

Jest is Facebook's defacto testing framework for React components and Flux apps.
Here are some tips for making debugging a little less intimidating.

  1. Look at the test file to see how we expect the method to behave. Jest reads similarly to RSpec & Jasmine.

  2. For more control over how specs are run, Install jest globally: npm install -g jest-cli. You will now be able to run the following commands:

  • jest frontend/__tests__/somepath/sometest.js
    • run a single test file (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
  • jest --watch
    • similar to webpack --watch, will update every time there is a change
  • jest -o
    • will find and run only those tests related to changed Javascript files
  • jest --bail
    • similar to --fail-fast, will abort test run after first error
    • execution does not stop after first failed test, but at end of file.
      Therefore it is only useful when running the full test suite.