
Wise (formerly TransferWise) importer for Beancount

Primary LanguagePythonDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

Wise importer for Beancount

Gets transactions from the Wise (formerly TransferWise) API and maps them to Beancount transactions.


  • Multiple profiles (e.g. personal and business)
  • Multiple currencies (grabs all)
  • Separate postings for transfer fees


In your Beancount project dir, create a file called wise.yaml and fill in:

# The amount of months to go back in history
# Observed maximum is 12 - tweak importer.py to get a different range
nMonths: 1

# Your Wise token (Settings > API tokens)
token: your-token

# Private key from your key pair, required to retrieve account statements
# See: https://api-docs.wise.com/#strong-customer-authentication-personal-token 
privatePemPath: "./wise-private.pem"

# Configuration for your Wise profiles (e.g. personal and business)
# Profile ID can only be found using manual API call AFAIK
# See: https://api-docs.wise.com/#payouts-guide-get-your-profile-id
    account: Assets:Wise:FooAccount
    account: Assets:Wise:BarAccount

# Optional: account to put transfer fees on
feesAccount: Expenses:Fees:WireTransfer

Then, in your Beancount importer config file:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os, sys

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(".")) # <- Yeah, this probably sucks
                                         #    drop me a line if you know a 
                                         #    better way
import bc_wise.importer as wise



bean-extract -e ledger.beancount config.py .


Wise almost always takes/leaves 'dust' when converting between currencies. Beancount will (appropriately) warn about this, so we track this dust in a separate account called Equity:Wise:ConversionDifference


This was based on the (no longer working) Transferwise importer from tariochbctools