
Order ActiveRecord collections specified way

Primary LanguageRuby


Order ActiveRecord collections specified way.


Add following line to Gemfile

gem 'hurray'


Get records ordered according to the specified with array column order.

User.where(id: [4,2,6])
#=> [#<User id: 2 ...>, #<User id: 4 ...>, #<User id: 6 ...>]

If you want to get User::ActiveRecord_Relation with specified order use ordered_with(hash):

User.ordered_with(id: [4,2,6])
#=> User::ActiveRecord_Relation [#<User id: 4 ...>, #<User id: 2 ...>, #<User id: 6 ...>, #<User id: 1 ...>, ...]

If you want to get only these records you should use it following way:

User.where(id: [4,2,6]).ordered_with(id: [4,2,6])
#=> User::ActiveRecord_Relation [#<User id: 4 ...>, #<User id: 2 ...>, #<User id: 6 ...>, #<User id: 1 ...>]

You can use this method with multiple fields:

User.ordered_with(name: %w(John), id: [4,2,6])
#=> User::ActiveRecord_Relation [#<User id: 6, name: 'John' ...>, #<User id: 4 ...>, #<User id: 2 ...>, ...]

or with joined tables:

User.joins(:freinds).ordered_with(friends: { id: [5,2,7] })