
Find and share music with the world

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Table of Contents

App Design


Create a platform for music listeners to share music they enjoy with others. Whether that be friends and family or random strangers.


Music listeners who use streaming services(primarily Spotify)


App will open to a default dashboard of the global feed if not logged in. This will show everyone who publicly shows their music shares. If the user is logged in, it will show the friends feed. There will be a button the quickly add a song to share.

Shared songs will have the ability to listen to a snippet of the song or proceed to the Spotify page for the song.

If the user is clicked on it will bring you to a page showing the user's feed along with a bio and profile picture. On this screen it will have a button to allow private music shares.

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  • What's Playing

    • The landing page
    • If not logged in, shows a info panel
    • Shows a feed of all friends if signed in, if not shows global feed.
    • Actions
      • Login/Sign Up
      • Share new song
      • View own User Profile
      • Switch to friends/global feed
  • Feed

    • Shows a chronological list of Shared Songs
  • Shared Song

    • Shows cover art, song name, artist name, username, and optionally a mentioned user
    • Actions
      • Preview song
      • View on Spotify
      • View User Profile
  • User Profile

    • Shows profile information
      • Profile picture
      • Bio
      • Favorite Artists
    • Shows User Feed
    • Actions
      • User to User Share
      • Follow
      • Go back to What's Playing
  • Share New Song

    • Actions
      • Search for song
      • Mention a user
      • Choose privacy
        • Global
        • Friends
        • User to User

External services

  • Spotify API
    • Strongly relies on Spotify Data
      • Song Details(name, artist)
      • Song Preview
      • Song Search
      • User Authentication/Log in
      • User Info

Views, View Controllers, and other Classes

  • Views

    • playing
    • user
    • login
    • sign-up
    • share
    • Partials
      • feed
      • song-details
  • View Controllers

    • song
    • user
    • feed
  • Other Classes

    • tbd

Data models

  • User

    • _id - ObjectId
    • username - String
    • email - String
    • password - Hashed String
    • following - array of ObjectIds
    • spotifyUserID - String
  • Song

    • _id - ObjectId
    • spotifySongID - String
    • userID - ObjectId
    • mentionID - ObjectId
    • privacy - Number - 0: Global, 1: Friends, 2: UsertoUser

MVP Milestones

[The overall milestones of first usable build, core features, and polish are just suggestions, plan to finish earlier if possible. The last 20% of work tends to take about as much time as the first 80% so do not slack off on your milestones!]

Sprint 1 (Day 1)

  • Defining the MVP:
    • Develop this guide
    • Doesn't have to completely finished
  • Setup environment
  • Explore the Spotify API
  • CRUD songs
    • Create
    • Read
    • Destroy

Sprint 2 (Day 2)

Implementing Users

  • Explore BCrypt
  • CRUD user
    • Create

Sprint 3 (Day 3)

Continue CRUDing Users

  • Finish creating user view
  • Allow for updating username
  • Create a button on main page for updating profile
  • Figure out identicon
  • Add profile picture via identicon
  • Add name feature
  • Add ability to follow

Sprint 4 (Day 4)

  • Add follow feed
  • Add mention ability
  • Add p2p feed
  • Make it beautiful
    • Start working on front end
    • Figure out tab system

Sprint 5 (Day 5)

starting the polish

  • Landing Page for non-logged in

Future Transfering this section to issues/projects

  • Add user search
  • Require password for changing username/email
  • Ask if want to change password, require old password
  • Double check password when signing up
  • Don't allow empty searches
  • Figure out why navigating to profile doesn't work some time
  • More info on landing page