
MobileCodeGenerator is part of Gregorio Perego and Stefania Pezzetti's master thesis at Polimi. The aim is to present a model-driven approach for the development of native mobile applications: the project permits to define a model for desired application and automatically generate the corresponding Android and iOS native source code.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

You have to import the it.polimi.mobilecodegenerator project in Eclipse:

1) Download an Eclipse distribution containing a stable version of Epsilon and EMF: 
2) Install the following 2 plugins in Eclipse (Help --> Install new software):
    > Xpand/Xtend:  http://download.eclipse.org/modeling/m2t/xpand/updates/nightly/
    > EMFT MWE:     http://download.eclipse.org/modeling/emft/mwe/updates/nightly/
3) Download and unzip the MobileCodeGenerator-master.zip

4) Import the it.polimi.mobilecodegenerator project in Eclipse:
    File --> Import --> General --> Existing Projects into Workspace


To produce source code of your application you need to:

1) Open the metamodel.ecore file in src/metamodel folder

2) Right click on the Application element and select "Create Dynamic Instance"

3) Enter the application name and save the .xmi file in src/model folder

4) Open the .xmi file and define the application model through the graphical editor

5) Create a folder named "user_files" in utils directory and put in all files referenced by the model

4) Open the iOSAndAndroidGenerator.mwe file in src/workflow folder and change the value of the "model" property by setting the path of your .xmi file

5) Right click on the iOSAndAndroidGenerator.mwe file and select "Run As MWE Workflow"

6) You will find the generated Android and iOS application source code in src-gen folder


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