
Git Practices

User Email & Name

  • To Set User Email

    git config --global ""
  • To Set User Name

    git config --global "Your Name"

Add File & Remove

For All File Replace FileName by .

  • To Add File

    git add "FileName"
  • To Remove File

    git restore --staged "FileName"

    Undo Last Commit

Undo last commit without file staged condition.(Only for local/offline repository)

  • Undo Last Commit without file staged condition.

    git reset --soft HEAD^

Branch Tips

  • To Create New Branch

    git branch branch-name
  • To Checkout New Branch

    git checkout branch-name
  • To create a new branch and switch to it at the same time

    git checkout -b branch-name
  • To delete a branch

    To delete a branch, you must leave off the branch that you want to delete and run this command.

    git branch --delete branch-name

OS changed but user same

When our OS is changed but user and directory is same.

  • To add an exception for this directory

    git config --global --add 'Directory With Path'

then, add email and user name.

To Clean/Remove Untracked/Uncommit File

This command is recursive and cleans both the current directory and any subdirectories.

  • To Remove File

    git clean -f -d

To Update File From Remote Repo To Local Repo

This command will help when remote repo has changed as well as we need to change in local repo.

  • To change in local repo

    git pull

To discard local changes to all files, permanently

This command will help when local repo has changed as well as we not need to change in remote repo.

  • To discard local changes

    git reset --hard

    Unable to connect to port 443

    When below command run,then given below error shows

    git push origin master

    fatal: unable to access '': Failed to connect to port 443 after 21093 ms: Couldn't connect to server

  • To access port

    git config --global http.proxy ""
