Top Laravel Interview Questions & Answers

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Table of Contents

No. Questions
Request Lifecycle
What is Request-Response?
Service Container Binding and Resolution
What are service containers?
What is Binding?
Explain Binding A Singleton?
Explain Binding Instances?
Explain Binding Primitives?
Explain Contextual Binding and how does it work?
What is Tagging?
Explain Extending Bindings?
Service Providers
What are Service Providers?
What are Facades?
HTTP Verbs
What are HTTP Verbs?
What is the difference between GET and POST?
Which is fast between GET and POST?
Artisan Console
Generating Commands
How to generate application key in laravel?
List all make commands
Command I/O
Registering Commands (
Executing Commands (
Drivers / Configuration (
Storing Items (
Retrieving Items (
Cache Tags (
Creating Custom Drivers (
Creating ( / Extending Collections (
Collection Methods (
Higher-order Messages (
Define Implicit Controller
Defining Controllers (
Controller Namespacing
Single Action Controllers (
Middleware (
Resource Controllers (
Dependency Injection (
Route Caching (
Query Builder (
Pagination (
How to do Pagination in DB?
Migrations (
When are Migrations?
Seeding (
What are Seeders?
Eloquent ORM
Conventions (
Relationships (
Eloquent Collections (
Mutators / Accessors (
What are Accessors and Mutators in Eloquent and why should you use them?
API Resources (
Serialization (
Scopes (
Events (
What are Events?
What are Listeners (
Registering Events / Listeners (
Queued Listeners (
Dispatching Events (
Subscribing to Events (
File Storage (
Configuration / Drivers (
Storing ( / Retrieving Files (
Custom Filesystems (
Blade Templating (
Localization (
Asset Compilation (
Helper Methods (
Arrays / Objects (
Paths (
Strings (
URLs (
Misc (
Logging (
Configuration (
Writing to Specific Channels (
Creating Custom Channels (
Mail (
Drivers ( / Configuration (
Generating Mailables (
Writing Mail (
Sending Mail (
Markdown (
Local Development (
Defining / Registering Middleware (
Middleware Parameters (
Creating Notifications (
Sending Notifications (
Mail Notifications (
Markdown (
Database Notifications (
Broadcast Notifications (
SMS Notifications (
Slack Notifications (
Custom Channels (
Version 7.1+
Autoloading Standards
Package Development
Discovery (
Service Providers (
Resources (
Commands (
Assets (
Publishing File Groups (
Drivers / Configurations (
Creating / Dispatching Jobs (
Redirects (
Route Parameters (
Named Routes (
Route Groups (
Route Model Binding (
Rate Limiting (
What is Rate Limiting OR Throttle in Laravel?
Authentication (
Authorization (
Encryption ( / Hashing (
CSRF Protection (
XSS Protection
Sessions (
Configuration (
Storing Data (
Retrieving Data (
Deleting Data (
Flash Data (
Custom Drivers (
Task Scheduling (
Scheduling Artisan Commands (
Scheduling Queue Jobs (
Scheduling Shell Commands (
Time Zones (
Preventing Task Overlaps (
Maintenance Mode (
Creating ( / Running Tests (
HTTP Tests (
Session / Authentication (
Testing File Uploads (
Available Assertions (
Browser Tests / Dusk
Data Factories
Fakes / Mocking (
URL Generation (
Named Routes (
Controller Actions (
Default Values (
Validation (
Form Requests (
Manually Creating Validators (
Error Messages (
Validation Rules (
Custom Validation Rules (
Views (
Creating Views (
Passing Data to Views (
View Composer (
Websockets (
Broadcasting Events (
Receiving Events
Broadcasting Channels ()
Presence Channels (
Client Events (
What is Repository Pattern?
What is Symfony?
What are Triggers?
What are Procedures
What are Laravel Traits?
What are Bundles in Laravel?
In which folder robot.txt is placed?
What is APP_KEY used for?
What directories that need to be writable laravel installation?
What is Kept in vendor directory of Laravel?
What is the use of dd() function?
What does "composer dump-autoload" do?
What is IOC (Inversion of Control)?
What is the use of the bootstrap directory?
What is Serialization in Laravel?
What is faker in Laravel?
What is Response in Laravel?
What is Response Macros in Laravel?
What is Lazy vs Eager Loading in Laravel?
What is the make Method?
What are the difference between insert() and insertGetId() in laravel?
Talk about Laravel Vapor Compatibility
What is Semantic Versioning?
What is LTS version of Laravel?
What is Lumen?
What are Laravel contracts?
Directory structure of Laravel
Explain Laravel framework Architecture
What is Monolog library in Laravel?
What is ORM?
Explain active record concept in Laravel
What is Laravel API rate limit?
What is Serialization in Laravel?
What are Response Macros in Laravel?
What is Method Spoofing in Laravel?
What are Closures in Laravel?
What are Closures in Laravel?
How to create constants in laravel?
What are factories?
What is tinker in laravel?
What is a REPL?
List some artisan commands
What is Caching?
What is Redis?
What is Memcache?
What is Route caching?
Does Laravel support caching?
How to clear cache in Laravel?
What are lazy collections?
What is Query Builder?
What is ORM?
How to achieve multiple DB hosts?
What are Default ports for MySQL Email etc?
Explain Joins
Explain Unions
How mongodb is better than relational databases?
What is mongodb?
Select highest and nth highest salary from DB
Write a join
Write a union
Write a complex query?
Name databases supported by Laravel
Define Laravel guard
What are Aggregate methods in query builder?
What is Eloquent?
Write CRUD in Laravel Eloquent?
What are Eloquent collections?
Output a raw query using eloquent/query builder
How to create multiple where clause in eloquent?
What is the purpose of the Eloquent cursor() method in Laravel?
List types of relationships available in Laravel Eloquent?
Write CRUD in Laravel Eloquent
Talk about Eloquent Subquery Enhancements?
How can we create a record in Laravel using eloquent?
List types of relationships available in Laravel Eloquent?
What does yield mean in PHP?
How to extend a layout file in laravel view?
How do you use yield()?
How to redirect form controller to view file in laravel?
What is Controller?
Helper Functions
How to create custom helper functions
Laravel String Helper functions?
Laravel Array Helper functions?
What is a Model?
What are Advanced Eloquent and Query Builder?
How to connect Laravel with other SQL databases?
How to connect Laravel with non-SQL databases?
List out databases that laravel supports?
How to use custom table in Laravel Model?
What is Fillable Attribute in a Laravel Model?
What is Guarded Attribute in a Laravel Model?
How to get the data from more than 3 table without using a join?
What are active records?
What are the difference between soft delete & delete in Laravel?
Please write some additional where Clauses in Laravel?
Write CRUD in Laravel Query Builder?
What is the difference between where and having?
Name aggregates methods of query builder
What is eager loading in Laravel?
Which ORM are being used by laravel?
What is Query log?
How do I log an error?
How to setup Emails?
How to configure a mail-in Laravel?
What is Middleware?
How to register a middleware in Laravel?
How to assign multiple middleware to Laravel route ?
What are Jobs and Middleware?
What does a $$$ mean in PHP?
What does PHP compact function do?
How to check installed extensions in CLI and web for PHP?
What does PHP compact function do?
What are some new features of PHP X?
What is Difference between PHP 5 and 4?
Explain require and require once difference
Explain include and require diffrence
What are Cookies?
Explain CURL and SOAP?
Explain 4 basics of OOP
What is diference between abstract class and interface?
Merge 2 arrays with duplicate
Find the count of vowel and consonants
What is Abstract class?
What is Package development?
What are Queues?
What are Jobs?
What is Routing?
How many types of routes are there?
What is web php?
What is api php?
What is channels php?
What is console-php?
Explain API.PHP route
How to exclude a route with parameters from CSRF verification?
How to get current route name?
What is Reverse routing?
What are Named routes?
How can we protect site from SQL Injections?
What is CSRF and JWT token?
What are SQL Injections?
What is csrf token and xss attack?
What is Authentication using Passport CSRF XSRF?
What is CSRF token?
What are Sessions?
What is default session time?
Explain Difference between session and cookies?
What is the default session timeout duration?
What is Unit testing?
What is Test Driven Development?
What is Request Lifecycle?
What are Validations and custom validations?
What are Views?
What is broadcasting in laravel?
What is Pusher in Laravel?
What is Vapor?
What is Forge?
What is Envoyer?
What is Horizon?
What is Nova?
What is Echo?
What is Lumen?
What is Homestead?
What is Spark?
What is Valet?
What is Mix?
What is Cashier?
What is Dusk?
What is Passport?
What is Scout?
What is Socialite?
What is Telescope?
What is Tinker?
What is Laravel Elixir?
What is Laravel Mix?
What is Laravel Elixir?
What is Laravel Mix?
What do you mean by Laravel Dusk?
Explain Laravel echo
What is Laravel Forge?
What is Homebrew?
What is Valet?
What is Laravel Homestead?
What is Docker?
How to launch Vagrant Box?
What are System requirements for Laravel?
What was new in Laravel 4?
What was new in Laravel 5?
What was new in Laravel 6?
What was new in Laravel 7?
What is new in Laravel 8?
What is an Observer?
What are Laravel facades?
What is an Observer?
What are design patterns?
What is MVC Framework?
What is Dependency injection in Laravel?
What is Singelton design pattern?
How To
How to get current Url in Laravel?
How will you check table is exists or in the database?
How do I perform dependency injection in Laravel?
How will you register service provider?
How can you reduce memory usage in Laravel?
How to assign a variable value for all view file?
How to make a constant and use globally?
How to check current installed version of Laravel?
How to share data with views?
How to generate a request in Laravel?
How to use GROUP_CONCAT() with JOIN in Laravel?
How to extend login expire time in Auth?
How to check column is exists or not in a table using Laravel?
How we can upload files in laravel?
How to create real time sitemap.xml file in Laravel?
How to use skip() and take() in Laravel Query?
How to use multiple 'OR' condition in Laravel Query?
How to make a constant and use globally?
How to remove /public from URL in laravel?
How will you explain homestead in Laravel?
How can we get the user's IP address in Laravel?
How will you create a helper file in Laravel?
How can we get the user's IP address in Laravel?
How to get Logged in user info in Laravel?
How do you register a Service Provider?
How to enable maintenance mode in Laravel?
How to install Laravel via composer?
How to do Web scraping?
How to create hooks in Laravel?
How can you display HTML with Blade in Laravel?
How to enable maintenance mode in Laravel 5?
How to install laravel via composer?
How to create an API?
How to call static methods?
How to get current environment in Laravel?
How to use custom table in Laravel Model?
How to check current Laravel version using CLI?
How to rollback last migration?
How to check Ajax request in Laravel?
How to check if value is sent in request?
What is the difference among various php versions?
What is the difference among various mysql versions?
What is the difference among various Laravel versions?
In MySql we use many types of engines which one is faster and why?
What are some new feaatures of Laravel X?
What is the purpose of using dd() function in laravel?
Exceptions are handled by which class in Laravel?
Talk about Laravel User Interface (UI)
What are improved Authorization Responses?
What are policies classes?
What is namespace in Laravel?
State the difference between CodeIgniter and Laravel.
Define hashing in Laravel
What is Localization?
Explain the concept of encryption and decryption in Laravel.
I just have installed a fresh version of Laravel 5, and I have the white screen of death. What’s wrong?
What are common HTTP error codes?
Differentiate between delete() and softDeletes()?
List different where Clauses available Laravel?
What are Deferred Providers in laravel?
What getFacadeAccessor method does?
What are Macros in Laravel?
What is Composer?
What are Popular composer packages?
What are Default packages: Cashier,Envoy,Passport,Scout,Socialite,Horizon?
What is ACL in laravel?
What Is
Which is Error management?
What are Payments and cashier?
What are Laravel Scout search and Algolia?
What is Socialite and Auth?
What is Single Page Application in Laravel?
What are Microservices in Laravel?
What is Service Oriented Architecture in Laravel?
Why prefer Laravel over other frameworks?
Current Versions
What is Current version of PHP, MySQL, Laravel, MongoDB etc?
General Questions
Describe design architecture of an app?
Explain an apps DB architecture ?
Explain AWS Services
What is Vue-js?
What is Horizontal scaling?
What is Vertical scaling?
  1. What is Routing?

When a user enters a URL or call a console command etc, it gets send to a routes folder. web.php route is for web requests while api.php route is for API requests.

Below is an example get route from routes/web.php. You can call and it will bring the result.

Route::get('foo', function () {
    return 'Hello World';

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  1. How many types of routes are there?

There are four types of routes,

A. web.php 

B. api.php

C. console.php

D. broadcast.php

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  1. What is web php?

    web.php used for web routes. Like

    Route::get('/test', function () {
        $path = storage_path() . "/app/json/options/docs.json";
        return view('skin/dev-wireframe', array('menu' => json_decode(file_get_contents($path), true)));

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  1. What is api php?

    The place where we write API route for mobile and API usage. Like http://localhost:8080/api/test

    Route::get('/test', function () {
        $path = storage_path() . "/app/json/options/docs.json";
        return view('skin/dev-wireframe', array('menu' => json_decode(file_get_contents($path), true)));

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  2. What is channels php?

    It is used for broadcasting

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  1. What is console php?

    Used to give a name to console routes.

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  1. What is Controller?

    Controller is the place where we write the logic of the program. Placed in app/Http/Conrollers

    <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers;
    use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
    class UserController extends Controller {
         * Show the profile for the given user.
         * @param  int  $id
         * @return Response
        public function showProfile($id)
            return view('user.profile', ['user' => User::findOrFail($id)]);

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  2. What are Views?

Views is the fornt end of Laravel. Stored in resources/views.

        <h1>Hello, {{ $name }}</h1>

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  1. What is a Model?

    A model is where you write the database logic. Stored in /app

  2. What is Request-Response?

    When we type a URL, a request is sent to the server. The server goes from /public to bootstrap folder from which is goes to the routes file. The route files sends it the right controller/view.

When we access via any of the 4 ways,

  1. write a url
  2. write a console command
  3. do a broadcast
  4. hit an api

the request goes to index.php (which usually is in the /public folder or the root folder). From there, the request goes to bootstrap folder, then to the Auth rules and after that lands in the routes folder in any of the web, api, console or the broadcast routes which is dependant on which route you called.

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  1. What are Migrations?

    Migrations help us keep SQL tables in code. When we have to setup the DB, we just run the migration.

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  1. What are Service Providers?

    Service providers are responsible for booting and configuration (binding all resources.)

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  1. What is Middleware?

    Middleware acts as a bridge between a request and a response. It is a type of filtering mechanism.

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  1. What is ORM?

    Object oriented and Model based way of accessing DB. The ORM Laravel uses is Active Records.

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  1. What is Eloquent?

    The ORM wrapper Laravel uses is called active records. The active record that is used is Eloquent. Every table has a model associated with it.

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  1. What is Query Builder?

A database wrapper that makes it easy to access DB.

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  1. What are Facades?

    Facades are used to hide implementation details and complexities from end user making him/her feel like interacting with a black box.

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  1. What is Repository Pattern?

    Repository pattern is used to create templates where implementation details are left to be implemented in child classes. It helps with further expansion of code and avoid bottlenecks in class updation.

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  1. What is Authentication using Passport?

    Passport uses OAuth making it a more secure choice for authentication. The details are taken care of by Passport.

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  1. What Unit testing?

Break the function into separate unit so it can be tested individually.

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  1. What is Caching?

    Configured using config/cache.php. Used for database caching. Popular ways Redis and Memcache.

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  1. What is Unit Testing?

    Writing a test for every unit (function or class) you write.

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  1. How to setup Emails?

    We use PHP Mailer. The config of SMTP are given in .env.

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  1. What are Queues?

    Queue is a line of jobs to be proccessed. You can create multiple queues which is multiple lines of jobs

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  1. What are Jobs?

    Job is a task being performed in the background.

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  1. How to setup Emails?

We use PHP Mailer. The config of SMTP are given in .env.

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  1. What are Advanced Eloquent and Query Builder?


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  1. Which is Error management?

Error handling is managing exception in a Laravel application. Laravel uses App\Exception\Handler for it.

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  1. How to create an API?

Use api.php. Link will be

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  1. What are Events?

You can do event based programming in Laravel that is attach stuff to when an event happens. You can do that via events.

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  1. What are Listeners?

    You can monitor an event using listener.

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  1. What are Payments and cashier?

    Payment processing is difficult. Cashier is a package which makes it easy. Its installed using composer.

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  1. What is Test Driven Development?

    Test is written first and then the function is written.

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  1. What is Package development?

    Laravel uses composer which gets packages. You can develop your own package and submit.

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  1. What are Laravel Scout search and Algolia?

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  1. Socialie and Auth?

    Socialite is Social login for Laravel. Auth is Laravel's authentication.

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  1. What is Vue-js?

    In easy way to do SPA where you can change state.

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  1. How to connect Laravel with other SQL databases?

    Go to config/database.php

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  1. How to connect Laravel with non-SQL databases?

Add the entry to config/database.php

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  1. What is Lumen?

    Lumen is the lightweight version of Laravel used usually for making microservices.

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  1. What is Redis?

    Key-value database making query faster.

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  1. What is Memcache?

    Key-value database making query faster.

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  1. What is Horizontal scaling?

    By adding more servers we scale horizontally.

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  1. What is Vertical scaling?

    By increasing the size of the same server we scale vertically.

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  1. What is Single Page Application in Laravel?

    There is single URL. The assets are loaded once and only content keeps changing using JSON request. Its not great for SEO but there are workarounds to create virtual URL.

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  1. What are Microservices in Laravel?

    There are many services which are similar sized. Each performs exactly one function and they talk to each other.

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  1. What is CSRF and JWT token?

    CSRF and JWT tokens are used to make sure the action is performed by the user. If there is no token, someone can give a link to user to click or hide it behind some action and him do what the hacker wants. A JWT token is hidden in the request while CSRF token is not.

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  1. What is Service Oriented Architecture in Laravel?

    There are many services which are similar sized. Each performs exactly one function and they talk to each other.

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  1. What are Validations and custom validations?

    Validations are used to make sure input is of the kind function wanted. Custom validators are custom made valiators.

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  1. What is Composer?

    Composer is PHP's package manager.

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  1. What is Symfony?

    Symfony is a framework Laravel is inspired from.

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  1. What is Route caching?

    Caching of routes to make going to routes faster. Command: php artisan route:cache

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  1. What are Default packages?

    Cashier, Envoy, Passport, Scout, Socialite, Horizon etc

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  1. What are Named routes?

    You can give route a name using a parameter.

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  1. What is Dependency injection in Laravel?

    Laravel injects dependencies as function parameters. Read more:

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  1. What are Laravel contracts?

They provide insstructions to interact with a facade.

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  1. What is Query log?

You can enable logging queries and Laravel will record the queries which were run.

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  1. What are Laravel Traits?

    They solve diamond problem which is when you have to inherit from two classes.

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  1. What are Bundles in Laravel?

    Used for grouping stuff like route groups (CRUD in one line.)

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  1. What are System requirements for Laravel?

    PHP version, MySQL, PHP packages mentioned on, apache server

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  1. What are Aggregate methods in query builder?

    Max, min, sum etc

$price = DB::table('orders')->max('price');

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  1. What is Singelton design pattern?

    A single object of a class is created throughout the lifecycle.

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  1. What is Reverse routing?

To generate the process of generating the URL which leads to a route. Its used in MVC apps. You can use it using named routes in laravel.

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  1. What are Popular composer packages?


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  1. How to get the data from more than 3 table without using a join ?

    Answer: Subquery, union.

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  1. List some artisan commands

    php artisan list
    php artisan make:migrate
    php artisan make:controller
    php artisan make:model
    php artisan config:clear
    php artisan serve

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  1. What are Sessions?

    Session is data related to a specific user.

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  1. What are Cookies?

    Cookies is generalized data.

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  1. What is Current version of PHP MySQL Laravel MongoDB etc?

    PHP: PHP 7.4 MySQL: 7 Laravel: 6 MongoDB: 4

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  1. Describe design architecture of an app?

    There are three layers

    1. Presentation layer: Front end
    2. Business layer: Backend and logic
    3. Data layer: Model and database

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  1. What are SQL Injections?

    Its a hacking trick used to complete a SQL query by filling a form content and placing query parts inside the form.

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  1. How to call static methods?

    Using :: before function name instead of ->.

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  1. How to achieve multiple DB hosts?

    Define the new DB in env or config/database.php and use it.

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  1. What is Abstract class?

    A class which is just a template i.e has no defination but just declaration.

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  1. What are Default ports for MySQL, Email, etc?

    http: 80 MYSQL: 3306 Email: 587

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  1. Explain Joins

    There are 4 types of joins,

    1. Inner Join
    2. Outer Join
    3. Left Join
    4. Right Join

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  1. Explain Unions

    Union vertically joins tables together i.e the records are added into the same columns.

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  1. How mongodb is better than relational databases?

    It is faster and it stores data in JSON form so you can enter multiple types of data without being dependent on the data being consistent in type.

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  1. What is mongodb?

It is a NO SQL key value based database.

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  1. What is default session time?

2 hours.

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  1. How to create hooks in Laravel?

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  1. What is csrf token and xss attack?

CSRF and JWT tokens are used to make sure the action is performed by the user. If there is no token, someone can give a link to user to click or hide it behind some action and him do what the hacker wants.

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  1. Select highest and nth highest salary from DB

    SELECT name, salary 
    FROM #Employee e1
    WHERE N-1 = (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT salary) FROM #Employee e2
    WHERE e2.salary > e1.salary)

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  1. Write the 4 joins

    1. Inner join
    2. Outer join
    3. Left join
    4. Right join

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  1. Write a union

    SELECT expression1, expression2, ... expression_n
    FROM tables
    [WHERE conditions]
    SELECT expression1, expression2, ... expression_n
    FROM tables
    [WHERE conditions];

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  1. Write a complex query?

Like a 3 tables joined.

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  1. Explain an apps DB architecture

Uber's DB arcitecture.

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  1. What is Difference between PHP 5 and 4?

    PHP 5 has OOP.

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  1. What is the difference among various php versions?

    PHP 4: No OOP PHP 5: OOP PHP 7: Faster speed

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  1. What is the difference among various Laravel versions?

    Directory structure

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  1. How to add AWS plugin in PHP?

    Using AWS SDK.

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  1. What are design patterns?

    They are well known solutions to common problems every developer faces.

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  1. What is the difference between GET and POST

    GET is used for retriving data POST is used to perform a change i.e action

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  1. Which is fast between GET and POST?

    GET is used for retriving data POST is used to perform a change i.e action

  2. Explain 4 basics of OOP

    Inheritance Polymorphism Encapsulation Abstraction

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  1. What is diference between abstract class and interface?

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  1. What is MVC Framework?

    It provides separation of concerns by separating the code into 3 parts,

    1. Model: Database logic
    2. View: Frontend logic
    3. Controller: Backend logic

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  1. Create a project with CRUD, one algorithm logic and insert data in db for testing.


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  1. In MySql we use many types of engines which one is faster and why?

    There are two main types of engines, 1.InnoDB 2.MyISAM InnoDB is faster.

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  1. What are Triggers?

`DB::unprepared()` is used for it.

php artisan make:migration create_trigger    

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  1. What are Procedures

Stored procedures are SQL code in tables. It is called and executed inside tables.

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  1. What are some new feaatures of Laravel X?

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  1. What are some new features of PHP X?

PHP 7.4 brings,

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  1. Explain Difference between session and cookies?

Cookies is data sent with every request. It is usually generalized for all. Session is data related to a specific user.

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  1. Merge 2 arrays with duplicate

array_unique(array_merge($array1,$array2), SORT_REGULAR);


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  1. Find the count of vowel and consonants

$str="Find the count of vowel and consonants"
$i=0; $vowel=0; $const=0;
foreach ($char in $str)
    if(($char==" ") || ($i==0))
           if(($str[$i+1]==a) || ($str[$i+1]==e) || ($str[$i+1]==i) || ($str[$i+1]==o) || ($str[$i+1]==u))

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  1. Explain AWS Services

AWS has 20 main categories and 150 sub-categories of items. For hosting, EC2 is a well known server type.

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  1. How to do Web scraping?

Composer has built in packages for it. They may get stopped due to IP usage (no of connections

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  1. Explain require and require once difference

In require, you can use require multiple times for the same file. It will add the file multiple times while require_once will only require it once.

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  1. Explain include and require diffrence

In include() the script will run even if the file is not found while in require it will stop if file required is not found.

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  1. Directory structure of Laravel


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  1. How to install Laravel via composer?

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog "5.8.*"

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  1. Which ORM are being used by laravel?


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  1. List types of relationships available in Laravel Eloquent?

One To One
One To Many
One To Many (Inverse)
Many To Many
Has Many Through
Polymorphic Relationships
One To One
One To Many
Many To Many
Custom Polymorphic Types

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  1. How to enable maintenance mode in Laravel?

php artisan down

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  1. What is the purpose of using dd() function in laravel?

dd() is dump and die. It prints the variable/array and exits the script.

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  1. How do you register a Service Provider?

Inside `config/app.php`
'providers' => [

     * Laravel Framework Service Providers...

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  1. Explain Laravel framework Architecture

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  1. Helper Functions

Common function which you can use in many classes are stored in helper functions.

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  1. What is Fillable Attribute in a Laravel Model?

Which can be mass assigned.

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  1. What is Guarded Attribute in a Laravel Model?

Which can't be mass assigned.

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  1. What are Closures in Laravel?

a closure gives you access to an outer function's scope from an inner function

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  1. How to get Logged in user info in Laravel?

$user = auth()->user();

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  1. What is Laravel Elixir?

Used for compiling JS.

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  1. What is Laravel Mix?

Used for compiling JS.

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  1. How can you display HTML with Blade in Laravel?

    {!! $text !!}

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  1. How to install laravel via composer ?

    composer create-project laravel/laravel name

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  1. List out databases that laravel supports?

    Laravel supports four database systems: MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, and SQL Server.

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  1. How to use custom table in Laravel Model?

By mentoning the name of the table in `$table` variable

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  1. How To Use Select Query In Laravel? Eloquent and QB?

QB: $users = DB::table('users')->select('name', 'email as user_email')->get();
Eloquent: $users = User::all();
  1. What are Accessors and Mutators in Eloquent and why should you use them?

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  1. How do I log an error?

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  1. What is Monolog library in Laravel?

Helps with logging.

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  1. Exceptions are handled by which class in Laravel?

    App\Exceptions\Handler class.

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  1. What is Serialization in Laravel?

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  1. What is Response in Laravel?

When we make a request , we get a responsse.

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  1. What is Response Macros in Laravel?

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  1. What is Rate Limiting OR Throttle in Laravel?

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  1. What is Lazy vs Eager Loading in Laravel?

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  1. How to get current environment in Laravel?

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  1. How to use custom table in Laravel Model ?


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  1. What is Binding?

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  1. Explain Binding A Singleton?

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  1. Explain Binding Instances?

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  1. Explain Binding Primitives?

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  1. Explain Contextual Binding and how does it work?

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  1. What is Tagging?

Giving your binding a name.

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  1. Explain Extending Bindings?

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  1. What is the make Method?

Makes controller, view, route, group and other items in artisan.

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  1. How to clear cache in Laravel?

php artisan cache:cleaer

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  1. What is CSRF token?

    Protects against cross site attack

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  1. How will you explain homestead in Laravel?

Virtual box for vagrant

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  1. How can we get the user's IP address in Laravel?


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  1. How will you create a helper file in Laravel?

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  1. How can we create a record in Laravel using eloquent?

    $flight = new Flight;
    $flight->name = $request->name;

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  1. How can we get the user's IP address in Laravel?


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  1. What is faker in Laravel?

    Used to generate dummy data

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  1. What are active records?

A design pattern which masks SQL queries to make database CRUD operations easy.

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  1. What are the difference between insert() and insertGetId() in laravel?

insert() only inserts
insertGetId() inserts and returns id of last added item

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  1. Talk about Laravel Vapor Compatibility

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  1. What is Semantic Versioning?

Major version . Minor version . Bug fix

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  1. What are Jobs and Middleware?


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  1. Talk about Laravel User Interface (UI)

It uses Blade Templating Engine

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  1. Talk about Eloquent Subquery Enhancements?

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  1. What are improved Authorization Responses?

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  1. What are lazy collections?

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  1. How to make a constant and use globally?

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  1. How to remove /public from URL in laravel?

    Rename server.php in your Laravel root folder to index.php Copy the .htaccess file from /public directory to your Laravel root folder.

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  1. What are the difference between soft delete & delete in Laravel?

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  1. How we can upload files in laravel?

Using `Form` class.
         echo Form::open(array('url' => '/uploadfile','files'=>'true'));
         echo 'Select the file to upload.';
         echo Form::file('image');
         echo Form::submit('Upload File');
         echo Form::close();

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  1. Why are Redux state functions c166. ### How to create real time sitemap.xml file in Laravel?

Make a controller to loop through all pages and list them. Make a route to it.

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  1. How to use skip() and take() in Laravel Query?

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  1. What is tinker in laravel?

Tinker is command line code functionality where you can write Laravel code in CLI.

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  1. What is a REPL?

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  1. How to use multiple 'OR' condition in Laravel Query?

Use it as an array in a single or function.

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  1. Please write some additional where Clauses in Laravel?

Use it as an array inside where function.

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  1. How to check column is exists or not in a table using Laravel?

SELECT that column and chekc if result is not null

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  1. What is eager loading in Laravel?

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  1. How to generate application key in laravel?

php artisan key:generate

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  1. What is LTS version of Laravel?

LTS version is a version where the support is longer i.e it gets longer fixes and support and is a stable version.

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  1. How to use GROUP_CONCAT() with JOIN in Laravel?

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  1. How to extend login expire time in Auth?

Change the minutes in config\session.php file.

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  1. How to extend a layout file in laravel view?


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  1. How do you use yield()?


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  1. What is ACL in laravel?

Package that manages user permissions

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  1. How to check Ajax request in Laravel?

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  1. How to check if value is sent in request?


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  1. Laravel String Helper functions?

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  1. Laravel Array Helper functions?

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  1. How to exclude a route with parameters from CSRF verification?

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  1. What are policies classes?

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  1. How to rollback last migration?

Run migration rollback. If you want to rollback more than one steps, give the steps count.

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  1. What do you mean by Laravel Dusk?

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  1. Explain Laravel echo

Used with broadcasting and sockets.

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  1. What is namespace in Laravel?

Identifies a code block and treats it separate fropm the rest so same name confusions don't occur.

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  1. What is Laravel Forge?

Laravel managed cloud hosting

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  1. State the difference between CodeIgniter and Laravel.

CodeIgniter is an older framework and Laravel is a much advanced framework.

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  1. What is an Observer?

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  1. What is the use of the bootstrap directory?

Laravel starts from there.

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  1. What is the default session timeout duration?

120 minutes

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  1. Explain API.PHP route

It is used for creating API. Its url is /api/slug

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  1. Define hashing in Laravel

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  1. What is Localization?

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  1. How to share data with views?

Pass it from the routes. To add for all views:

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  1. How to generate a request in Laravel?

Enter a route. It will go to the routes file to match the route and return a response.

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  1. I just have installed a fresh version of Laravel 5, and I have the white screen of death. What’s wrong?

You might see the white screen of death because of not enough permissions in folders. Try changing permissions of `/public`, `/vendor`, `/storage` folders.

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  1. How to assign a variable value for all view file?

        public function __construct() {       

            $this->middleware(function ($request, $next) {              

                $name = session()->get('');  // get value from session

                View::share('user_name', $name);                   // set value for all View

                View::share('user_email', session()->get(''));            

                return $next($request);




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  1. How to make a constant and use globally?

Create it in the .env file

  1. How to check current installed version of Laravel?

See `composer.json` file.

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  1. What does "composer dump-autoload" do?

It just regenerates the list of all classes that need to be included in the project (autoload_classmap.php).

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  1. What is Kept in vendor directory of Laravel?

Laravel dependencies. Their code.

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  1. What does PHP compact function do?

Convert variables to array.

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  1. What are Laravel facades?


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  1. What directories that need to be writable laravel installation?

/public /bootstrap/cache /vendor

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  1. How to check current Laravel version using CLI?

php artisan --version

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  1. Why prefer Laravel over other frameworks?

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  1. What are service containers?

Service container is like a container where we define how the dependency should be resolved. We have to register the dependencies into the service container during the initialization of the framework and the best place to do it is the service provider.

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  1. Write CRUD in Laravel Eloquent


     $flight = new Flight;


$flights = App\Flight::all();
foreach ($flights as $flight) {
    echo $flight->name;


    $flight = new Flight;

    $flight->name = $request->name;




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  1. Write CRUD in Laravel Query Builder

CREATE: DB::table('users')->insert( ['email' => '', 'votes' => 0] );

READ: $users = DB::table('users')->get();

UPDATE: DB::table('users') ->where('id', 1) ->update(['votes' => 1]);

DELETE: DB::table('users')->where('votes', '>', 100)->delete(); source:

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  1. What are Eloquent collections?

A way to get all of the data of a one or more models which might be required.

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  1. Build a to-do application with Laravel backend and a frontend framework


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  1. What are the day to day tasks of a Laravel developer?

    1. Creating APIs
    2. Write queries using Eloquent
    3. Write helper functions
    4. Installing required extensions for setting up Laravel
    5. Setting up docker
    6. Setting up homestead
    7. Vue
    8. Writing complex queries using eloquent
    9. Using design patterns to build scaleable solutions
    10. Tweak blade template.
    11. Create SPA
    12. Seed data into the database --

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  1. Output a raw query using eloquent or query builder.

Two ways,

  1. Turn the DB logs on and check the last query run in it.
  2. add ->ToSQL() function after the query.

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  1. How to create custom helper functions?

Create a helper.php file anywhere and place the functions in it

Add its location in the composer.json files area.

Run composer dump autoload

Answer here:

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  1. How to check installed extensions in CLI and web for PHP?

web: run phpinfo() function

cli: php -m

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  1. How to create multiple where clause in eloquent?

Use a single where clause and give the parameters as array

   ['column_1', '=', 'value_1'],
   ['column_2', '<>', 'value_2'],
  1. How to clear all cache?

There are 4 cache in Laravel. Clear them all.

 php artisan key:generate
 php artisan config:cache
 php artisan cache:clear
 php artisan view:clear
 php artisan route:clear

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  1. What is the difference between where and having?

Where is used for rows, having is used for columns.

  1. How can we protect site from SQL Injections?

We can protect site from SQL injections by sanitizing inputs. Whenever you have to enter string, use PHP function mysqli_real_escape_string().

For XSS protection i.e when you have to enter string in HTML use htmlspecialchars.

You should always try to use use prepared statements.

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  1. List all make commands

make:cast Create a new custom Eloquent cast class

make:channel Create a new channel class

make:command Create a new Artisan command

make:component Create a new view component class

make:controller Create a new controller class

make:event Create a new event class

make:exception Create a new custom exception class

make:factory Create a new model factory

make:job Create a new job class

make:listener Create a new event listener class

make:mail Create a new email class

make:middleware Create a new middleware class

make:migration Create a new migration file

make:model Create a new Eloquent model class

make:notification Create a new notification class

make:observer Create a new observer class

make:policy Create a new policy class

make:provider Create a new service provider class

make:request Create a new form request class

make:resource Create a new resource

make:rule Create a new validation rule

make:seeder Create a new seeder class

make:test Create a new test class

  1. What Are HTTP Verbs?


  1. How to do Pagination in DB?

$users = DB::table('users')->paginate(15);

  1. What is ORM?

Object–relational mapping is used to use Object oriented way to use database.

  1. What are pub/sub in Laravel?

Its a broadcasting method. Pub=Publisher Sub=Subscriber Decreases communication complexity Peforms its task without knowing the other details of the system