
A CLI application for generating a professional project README.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

README Generator


This is a CLI application for generating a professional README.md file.

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. Demo
  4. License
  5. Contributing
  6. Tests
  7. Questions


The application requires node.js and you must include the following packages: fs (file system) and inquirer.


Open the application in your terminal and run start script, npm start. Follow the prompts to generate your README markdown file directly in your current directory, where you can edit it to add/remove sections and media to suit your project needs.


Application usage demo video


License: MIT
Copyright (c) 2020 Rudi Kraeher


If you want to contribute to this project please reach out to me first via GitHub or email.


At this time I have no guidelines for testing.


If you have any questions about the repo you can email me at rudikraeher@gmail.com.
Visit my GitHub to see more of my work.