
Badge view with controller written in Swift 5.0

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT



  • Simply attach BadgeController to any UIView's subclasses and easily control the badge.
  • Customize size, position, background color, text color, border width, border color and animation of the badge.


Setup with CocoaPods (iOS 9+)

  • If you are using CocoaPods add this text to your Podfile and run pod install.
    pod 'BadgeControl'

Add source (iOS 9+)


Add import BadgeControl to your source code (unless you used the file setup method).

Simply attach BadgeController to your UIView (or its subclass).

let badge = BadgeController(for: myUIView)

Add an empty badge and present it with animation.

badge.addOrReplaceCurrent(animated: true)

Add a badge with text and present it with animation.

badge.addOrReplaceCurrent(with: "1", animated: true)

Remove badge from its view.

badge.remove(animated: true)

Simply increment or decrement the value on your badge (if it is numeric) and present it with animation.

badge.increment(animated: true)
badge.decrement(animated: true)

You can also set animateOnlyWhenBadgeIsNotYetPresent = true if you don't want animation when badge is already present on the view.


You can customize badge's text font, background color, text color, border width, border color, size, center position and animation.

Text font, background color, text color, border width, border color and size

badge.badgeTextFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15)
badge.badgeBackgroundColor = UIColor.blue
badge.badgeTextColor = UIColor.yellow
badge.borderWidth = 3 // in px
badge.borderColor = UIColor.black // black is default
badge.badgeHeight = 20 // badge will have height of 20px

Center position

You can choose following center positions: upperLeftCorner, upperRightCorner, lowerLeftCorner, lowerRightCorner.

You can also choose custom position by calling .custom(x: Double, y: Double).

badge.centerPosition = .upperLeftCorner
badge.centerPosition = .custom(x: 10, y: 20)


You can choose one of the following animations:

Default animation


badge.animation = BadgeAnimations.default
Left-right animation


badge.animation = BadgeAnimations.leftRight
Right-left animation


badge.animation = BadgeAnimations.rightLeft
Fade in animation


badge.animation = BadgeAnimations.fadeIn
Rolling animation


badge.animation = BadgeAnimations.rolling

You can also provide your own animation of type ((UIView) -> Void).

badge.animation = { badgeView in


You can use this initalizer with default values:

public init(for view: UIView,
            in centerPosition: BadgeCenterPosition = .upperRightCorner,
            badgeBackgroundColor: UIColor = .red,
            badgeTextColor: UIColor = .white,
            badgeTextFont: UIFont? = nil,
            borderWidth: CGFloat = 0.0,
            borderColor: UIColor = .black,
            animation: ((UIView) -> Void)? = BadgeAnimations.defaultAnimation,
            badgeHeight: Int? = nil
            animateOnlyWhenBadgeIsNotYetPresent: Bool = false)


BadgeControl is released under the MIT License.

Feedback is welcome

If you've found a bug or want to improve BadgeControl feel free to create an issue.