Texas Instruments TI99/4A Motherboard Replacement Project

This is a work-in-progress! I am currently tracking down errors in the schematic, and it should not be trusted as 100% accurate at this point!

This is based on the HackMac KiCAD schematics with corrections as I have been working through them. All of the labels have been changed to global, as I find them far easier to work with.

Please note that this has also been converted to KiCAD 6.x.

Bill of Materials

Quantity Ref(s) Mouser Part Number Description
1 n/a n/a Work In Progress

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I have started a Discord server for more real-time technical support, as well as discussion for my various projects in progress. You can follow this link to join: https://discord.gg/QmFssyXnQt

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This project is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - ShareAlike 3.0 License


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