
My personal dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell


My personal dotfiles

Install instruction

To launch installation process, you need to run dotfiles_installer.sh

/bin/bash <(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rkrim/dotfiles/master/dotfiles_installer.sh)

This will copy the git repo locally and start the installation.

By default dotfiles_installer.sh clones the repo to ~/Developer/dotfiles.

The script can take en argument to change the destination path.


/bin/bash <(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rkrim/dotfiles/master/dotfiles_installer.sh) '~/anotherRelativeDirectory'

After the clone process, it will launch cli_install.sh

cli_install.sh will do different things:

  • Install Brew packages (nicer than brew bundle)
  • Creates Symlink to dotfiles
  • Make changes to personal system prefences