
Book of Heroes resource guide

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Book of Heroes resource app

This app was build to create some overview on recipes, ingredients, materials, drops and raids.

Resources used



Angular 2

This project was generated with angular-cli version 1.0.0-beta.28.3.

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive/pipe/service/class/module.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the -prod flag for a production build.

Build production

ng build --base-href "/boh/" -prod Because I have this app in a subfolder

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor. Before running the tests make sure you are serving the app via ng serve.

Deploying to GitHub Pages

Run ng github-pages:deploy to deploy to GitHub Pages.

Further help

To get more help on the angular-cli use ng help or go check out the Angular-CLI README.

Next release (2.2.0+)

  • Expose cooldown timers for raids
  • Improve mobile gui; add sorting and filters
  • Add recipe drops
  • Add a new page containing gems
  • Add Justi and SW Gear
  • Add a list of enemies, and remarkable attacks, weaknesses, ...


Below stuff still needs to be in. todo: look at the forums, specifically the post of Pip_ for the ingredients for T8/T14 white gems

Mini Bosses

Gate Warden (Ancestral Ruins, Lake Nithus)

  • Undead Ether
  • Potion of Magic Resistance Recipe

Steelclaw (Heart of the Elbian, Elbian Forest)

  • Grizzly Tooth
  • Potion of Power Recipe

Bloodfang (Dunia's Meadow, Glenford Plains)

  • Alpha Wolf Paw
  • Potion of Dodge Recipe

Black Wyvern (Canyon of Shadow, Urgresh Mountain)

  • Black Wyvern Scale
  • Potion of Melee Resist Recipe

Iron Basilisk (Flame Cavern, Dragonmoor)

  • Iron Basilisk Eye
  • Potion of Crit Power Recipe

Enchantment Recipes

Now also available from PvP shop

Goblin King Dungeon (Power Enchants)

  • Initiative (Direhorn)
  • Resilience (Direhorn)
  • Block (Goblin King)
  • Power Block (Goblin King)
  • Defence (Goblin King)

Lord of Blades Dungeon (Skill Enchants)

  • 1H Damage Bonus
  • 2H Damage Bonus

Karnak Dungeon (Magic Enchants)

  • Nature Damage Bonus
  • Physical Damage Bonus
  • Spirit Damage Bonus
  • Ice Damage Bonus
  • Fire Damage Bonus

Majerio's Shop for purchase 200.000 Silver

  • Knockback Resist (Power)
  • Accuracy (Skill)
  • Healing Bonus (Magic)

Black Market Exclusive Recipes

  • Energy Regeneration (375 gs)
  • Haste Potion (75 gs)

Black Market Random/Rotated Recipes

  • Various Power, Skill and Magic (125 gs/250 gs)

###Undrian plateau  https://www.venan.com/boh_forum/viewtopic.php?p=18424#p18424by Find Majerio's quests.   'The glowing stones', find much harder opponants that face right instead of left.   Heart of the Abian (Ebian Forrest), Dunia's Meadow (Glenfort Plains), The Energy Mine (The Cursed Quarry) (Dragonmoor), The Canyon of Shadows, Flame Cavern (The Urgesh Mountains)   Complete 'What the flux', 'who gives a flux', 'morbid analysis', 'shoot the messenger' and then all three of the 'Old Wounds' quests, once you have completed the last 'Old Wounds' quests the Plateau will unlock for you 

The flux quests are a lot easier now that it has been reduced to 3 of each flux instead of 5, but still takes a lot of time farming those portals, but remember you can buy 5 of each flux from the black market on wednesday and saturday if you prefer to buy your way out of a tedious quest.

Morbid Analysis is the one that kills me now, need to kill 100 vile, so its back into the portals to spend around 70 - 80 energy on killing vile, the tough bit about this quest is that if you try to get it all in one portal then you will hit the final incursion level which can be tough for players that haven't got there might up very far yet, so might be easier for weaker players to just complete the first couple levels of a few different portals (this method is more time consuming, but a lot easier on the health pots and without the fear of death).

'Shoot the messenger' and all three of the 'Old Wounds' quests cost 10 energy each and are all 5 wave dungeons, fairly straight forward and gives you a nice little back story of what the vile gate is and what lies beyond it.

###The Shards of Ironhaven Find the Shard…in Glenfort Plains – Eldritch Symbols I quest (lvl 8) Find the Shard…in Ebian Forest – Eldritch Symbols II quest (lvl 10) Find the Shard…in Cursed Quarry – Eldritch Symbols III quest (lvl 11) Find the Shard…in Urgresh Mountains – Eldritch Symbols IV (lvl 14) Find the Shard…in Lake Nithus – Eldritch Symbols V (19) ` Eldritch Symbols I - Prelude: Quest Skars Revenge III leads to strange grotto in Glenfort Plains. Objectives:Use the treasure map to find the ancient door – I found this in the Old Library during another quest. Map can also be found by defeating Skar in Plagueriders Pass. Solve the riddle to learn where the door key is located – Glenfort Plains, The Fallow Fields When complete, turn into the strange grotto and the Unlocked Grotto will appear, enter and defeat the Eldritch Guardian. He will drop your first Shard.   Eldritch Symbols II - Prelude: Quest: Scout Work – turn into Bandit camp in Ebian Forest. Quest: Bribery – Purchase the golden arrow from Majerios shop listed under Speicals (100 silver). Turn this quest into Bandit Camp. Quest: Lockbolt – Defeat Lockbolt and receive Ebian Treasure Map. Objectives: Treasure Map finds ancient door – auto achieved + see below All three seals can be found in Ebian Forest – Entrance, Clearing and Deep Wood. You should only have to visit each area once, battle one wave/mob, than leave and go to next area. Unlocked Grotto - defeat Eldritch Guardian. He drops the second shard.   Eldritch Symbol III - Prelude: Quest: Bloodstone Burrow – Cursed Quarry, Bloodstone Burrow. Complete this quest and map will drop. This will open the Rocky Grotto Objectives:  Visit Majerios shop. Under Specials, purchase the ring then return to Cursed Quarry. Return quest to Rocky Grotto. Unlocked Grotto – defeat Eldritch Guardian and he will drop the third shard.   Eldritch Symbol IV - Prelude: Enter and complete the dungeon – The Cliffs of Zuur in Urgresh Mountains. After defeating Zurr, he will drop the map. This will open the Mountainous Grotto. Objectives: Ancient door opened w/treasure map – auto achieved. All four items can be found in Urgresh Mountains – Urgresh Peaks. Turn in quest to Mountainous Grotto. Unlocked Grotto is opened – Enter and defeat Eldritch Guardian, he will then drop the fourth shard.   Eldritch Symbols V - Prelude: Complete The Glenmire Staff line of quests. For me this line began at level 16. It begins with Storm the Castle and ends with Shores of the Lost City, level 19. Prelude: After turning in the quest, Shores of the Lost City you will receive a quest called The Golem. He is located in Lake Nithus, in the center where the cave used to be. After defeating him, he will drop the Nithus Treasure Map. This will open the Underwater Grotto. Enter and receive last Eldritch quest. Turn in Golem quest to Daedalus and receive quest Defeat Lord Helion. Head back to Lake Nithus.   IMPORTANT NOTE: When turning in The Golem quest, you will receive a quest to Defeat Lord Helion. Do Not do this quest until you receive Eldritch Symbols V quest from the Grotto – items needed for Eldritch will be dropped in Lord Helion’s Temple (dungeon).   Objectives:  Treasure map to find ancient door – Auto achieved, Items to break 1st seal – Red Stones – dropped by Gate Keepers – Helion’s Dungeon. Items to break 2nd seal – Blue Stones – dropped by Waterlogged Corpses – The Grieving Glades Items to break 3rd seal – Yellow Stones – dropped by Skeletal Assassins – Helion’s Dungeon. Turn in completed Eldritch V quest in Underwater Grotto. Unlocked Grotto opens – Enter and defeat the Eldritch Guardian – He will drop the last/5th shard.   CONGRATULATIONS! ENJOY YOUR AMULET AND GEM! - HINT: Put your shiny new gem into your new amulet 


Return of the Spider Queen drops: these recipes drop from phase 3 Spirit Crit gem recipe  Fire Crit gem recipe  Ice Crit Power gem recipe  Ice Resist gem recipe  Melee Crit gem recipe   Mountain Lichen, Blackened Ichor, Fire Crystals, Polar Melt, Unstable Ether, Drops of Putrid Ooze, Exquisite Spider Silk, Spirit Orbs   The Shadow Returns drops: these recipes drop in phase 2 Spirit Crit Power gem recipe Nature Resist gem recipe Nature Crit gem recipe these recipes drop in P3 Spirit Resist gem recipe Nature Crit Power gem recipe Fire Crit Power gem recipe  Ice Crit gem recipe Melee Crit Power gem recipe   Alpha Wolf Paws, Dark Ether, Fell Leaves, Grizzly Teeth, Cave Serpent Venom, Black Wyvern Scales, Iron Ore, Iron Basilisk Eyes   Fire Resist gem recipe is a quest reward  T8 and t14 white shards drop throughout both raids all other materials call also be farmed in other locations White T8 gems all require 500 T8 white shards, plus the following: Spirit Crit: 250 Mountain Lichen, 100 Grizzly Teeth Nature Crit: 250 Fell Leaves, 100 Unstable Ether Fire Crit: 250 Fire Crystals, 100 Wolf Paws Ice Crit: 250 Dark Ether, 100 Polar Melt Melee Crit: 250 Fire Crystals, 100 Iron Ore Spirit Crit Power: 250 Mountain Lichen, 100 Iron Basilisk Eyes Nature Crit Power: 250 Fell Leaves, 100 Drops of Putrid Ooze Fire Crit Power: 250 Fire Crystals, 100 Cave Serpent Venom Ice Crit Power: 250 Dark Ether, 100 Polar Melt Melee Crit Power: 250 Dark Ether, 100 Unstable Ether T14 gems all require 500 T14 white gem shards, plus the following: Spirit Resist: 250 Mountain Lichen, 100 Iron Ore Nature Resist: 250 Fell Leaves, 100 Black Wyvern Scales  Fire Resist: 250 Fire Crystals, 100 Exquisite Spider Silk Ice Resist: 250 Dark Ether, 100 Blackened Ichor      Mountain Lichen - Attack at Dawn (Raid),Urgresh Mountains (Not Map Wide, Specific Zones including Urgresh Peak )

Undead Ichor - Lake Nithus (Chance to drop from any highly Magical Monster such as select Flame Creatures or all Undead Monsters. Helion's Pass, Ancetral Nithus, and Energy Mine are locations where Regular Mobs are 100% undead)

Fell Leaf - War of Felmarsh (Raid)Fellmarsh (Not Map Wide, 3 Specific Zones including Graycoast Bog) Iron Ore - Cursed Quarry (Map Wide Drop) Fire Crystal - Dragonmoor (Not Map Wide, 2 Specific Zones, Lava Caves & Flame Cavern ) Dark Ether - Lake Nithus (Map Wide Drop)

Polar Melt - Vale of the Ice Dragon (Raid),The Frozen Vale (Map Wide Drop) Alpha Paw - Glenfort Plains (Dunia's Meadow) Unstable Ether - Lake NIthus (Ancestral Nithus) Grizzly Tooth - Ebain Forest (Heart of the Ebian)

Cave Serpent Venom - Cursed Quarry (Energy Mine) Black Wyvern Scale - Urgresh Mountains (Canyon of Shadow) Iron Basilisk Eye - Dragonmoor (Flame Cavern) Essence - Vile Incursion Portals (plus VG Dungeon, VG Raid & Karnak Raid) Amber Flux - Vile Incursion Portals (plus VG Dungeon, VG Raid & Karnak Raid) Emerald Flux - Vile Incursion Portals (plus VG Dungeon, VG Raid & Karnak Raid) Indigo Flux - Vile Incursion Portals (plus VG Dungeon, VG Raid & Karnak Raid) Refined Essence – Crafted (plus rare drop in Incursion Portals, VG Dungeon, VG Raid & Karnak Raid) Blackened Ichor - Crafted Prismatic Flux - Crafted Prismatic Gem - Crafted Iron Graver - Majerio's Shop Refining Salt - Majerio's Shop 

Thank you

Special thanks to:

  • Dragondreamer,
  • Pip_,
  • Danae ... for helping with testing, reporting bugs and help with forming ideas.