
Just some test what commonmark markdown can do for me


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Just some test what commonmark markdown can do for me. TLDR; not much. Mermaid is not supported by GFM


The problem with Markdown (*.md-files) is the lack of standardization on the most ambiguous details of the language. There are different implementations that do have some documentation (Github-Flavored-Markdown, Sundown, CommonMark, ...)

I'm also working with CommonMark on Gitlab Community edition that is easily installed using this docker image:

docker pull gitlab/gitlab-ce

Today I decided to play around with CommonMark at Github, specifically for technical documentation. Commonmark supports mermaid inline diagramming so this will help me a lot in writing efficient technical documentation in e.g. README.md files.

Here are some articles where I draw my information from:


A limited list of examples is already written here that include:

  • Headers
  • Emphasis: bold, strikethrough, italic
  • Lists
  • Images
  • Links
  • Blockquotes
  • Inline code
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Hyperlinks
  • Task lists
  • Tables
  • SHA references
  • links with issues on github
  • username @mentions
  • emoji

But what about...

  • Code hightling in depth
  • Hyperlink tricks
  • Table of contents
  • Warnings
  • Diagrams
  • Possibilities of tables
  • List of Emojis
  • raw HTML

Extended Examples


Diagrams using Mermaid

graph TD;
  click B "http://gius.nl" "This is a link"

Mermaid doesn't work. @see closed feature request issue#533

Diagrams using yUML

// {type:class}
// {direction:topDown}
// {generate:true}

[note: You can stick notes on diagrams too!{bg:cornsilk}]
[Customer]<>1-orders 0..*>[Order]

Diagrams using PlantUML

Diagrams using Google

Abusing the image tag:


Will generate:

Other mentions

item description
stackedit.io online markdown editor that supports scores, formula's, mermaid and more
bramp.github.io online sequence diagrams to svg
http://flowchart.js.org/ online flowchart > you should use activity diagrams
yUML suntax in VSC yUML for VSC, not supported by gitlab nor github