
:arrow_up: Return an array of all parent node_modules directories

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a little node module to find the path of every parent node_modules directory. It's useful for things like Sass, where you can't specify the exact path to individual modules (in which case findup-sync would be sufficient), and you can't just give an array of parent node_modules which might exist, because it will error if they don't.

In most cases you're trying to find node_modules directories, findup-sync should be sufficient. This library is specifically for if you want an array containing all the parent node_modules paths. If you loop through the output of this library, you should be using findup-sync instead.


$ npm install --save find-node-modules


var findNodeModules = require('find-node-modules');

//=> ['node_modules', '../../node_modules']

findNodeModules({ cwd: './someDir' });
//=> ['../node_modules', '../../../node_modules']

//=> ['../node_modules', '../../../node_modules']

findNodeModules({ cwd: './someDir', relative: false });
//=> ['/path/to/something/node_modules', '/path/node_modules']

Local usage

  • npm i - install dependencies
  • npm t - fires of the local tests


This is released under the MIT license.