
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Basic mean app

These are my notes to create a simple boilerplate for a full MEAN stack application

to get started:

  • clone repo (git clone git@github.com/rkristelijn/mean.git)
  • install global dependancies: (sudo npm i -g nodemon gnomon nsp nsp-reporter-checkstyle)
  • install node_modules (cd mean && npm i)
  • start app with linting, tests (npm start --silent)
  • start app fast (npm run start:fast --silent)

Steps done:

[x] git init [x] npm init [x] created github repo [x] added express and basic node app [x] added chalk for console highlighting [x] added linting using eslint [x] added testing using mocha and chai [x] added nodemon, restart test and lint [x] added timing using gnomon [x] time build, better output [x] watch files and run npm-run-all on change [x] added tests with sinon [x] added findById + test [x] REST API: CRUD operations for service - get, post, put, patch, delete [x] added adapter to enable better testing [x] added testing adapter and controller [x] added supertest for intergration tests [x] testing routes [x] passport local strategy [x] find out when to use let and const: const need to be assigned directly and cannot be reassigned. [x] simple login form on url http://localhost:3100/api/auth/local/login [x] remove console output [x] chase linting errors [x] merge code [x] add tests

todo (low prio):

The plan

  • REST API and HATEOS (dev webserver, linting, routes, get, post, put, patch, unit tests, unit http tests, test data)
  • OAuth/passport (local and github strategy, logout, save user in db, secure routes)
  • Front-end basics (proxy, fetch, dev server for front-end, watching files and building, refactoring, testing)
  • Front-end cosmetics (header, footer, menu, views, routes, secure routes, refactoring, testing)
  • Front-end data (interfaces, services, refactoring, testing)
  • e2e tests
  • Best practices extracting POJO's, benchmark tests and optimalization
  • Lessons learned

