
Sample boilerplate for React, Typescript, Sass and Material.io

Primary LanguageTypeScript

My goal is to set up a React boilerplate example using the common tools:

tool/platform/library/framework why
create-react-app consistent folder structure


Phase 1

  • Create a boilerplate with just React and typescript
    • fix 16289 vulnerabilities found - Packages audited: 888779 #1
    • WARNING: You are currently running a version of Typescript which is not officially supporter by typescript-estree #3
  • Add sass support #2
  • Fix prettier issues #5
  • Add material.io support #6
  • Rebuild the example, my example github project #7

Phase 2

  • Move src to src/front
  • Include node with typescript support in src/back
  • Build in public folder of src/back and be able to run the app with only the backend server running
  • have a shared code lib

Phase 3

  • Set up REST API
  • Integrate backend calls (using axios? and jsend?)


source what to find
Using SASS Modules In Create React App V2 - Shalom David Configure sass in react and improve the example
Create React App with TypeScript, Sass & Material UI - Abhra Bhattacharyya Integrate sass, material, ts and react
Create React App documentation Info right from the source
Client, Server and Shared code - Gil Amran Share code with back/front
Material.io Web Developer tutorials Tutorials