
Laravel PHP Wordle Cheater

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Laravel PHP Wordle Cheater

http://wdl.discooctopus.com/ - A little project I did for fun that gives the user some suggested words from Wordle rules.


It is a Laravel 8.83.8 site

  • Clone this repo locally.
  • Create a database called 'wdl'
  • Enter your db credentials into the .env file
  • Run the migration -- php artisan migrate
  • Execute the script words-data.sql to bring in the words list
  • That should be all :)
  • Open the local site


  • Enter the letter into each cell as it appears in your Wordle app
  • Click the block to rotate through black/yellow/green
  • Click Enter to show the suggested available words
  • Click Clear to clear the current words list
  • Don't cheat too much, Wordle is a great app that can be challenging and fun to work out on you own :) WordleCheater

Update Word List

  • Take a look at words-data.sql. This will give you the idea of what needs to be done.


  • Maybe you can make this look nicer?
  • I did try to get the auto prompt to work once a ltter was input, but couldn't get that to work. Maybe you could give it go?
  • I am using bootstrap css, because it was easy in the moment :)