
Project built for scraping Reddit datasets.

Primary LanguagePython

Reddit dataset scraper tool

This project was built for scraping Reddit datasets. Datasets this project was built on: https://files.pushshift.io/reddit/comments/

To unpack the .zstd files you can use:

How to use

To use this tool and work with desired dataset follow these steps:

  1. Download one of the datasets
  2. Unpack the dataset file using ZStandard tool (above-mentioned)
  3. Move the unpacked file to ~/Data/Datasets
  4. Load the data with one of the Comment models from ~/Models/Comments. Example: DatasetLoader.load(DatasetVersionEnum.Dataset_2018_07, limit=10000)

Adding new Comment model

If specific Comment model doesn't exist, you can add it by doing the following:

  1. In ./Models/Comments add new Python file called CommentYYYYMM.py (instead of YYYY and MM use the year and the month of the dataset). To get class definition based on your specific database there is a helper function DatasetLoader.print_class_definition that prints out the code you can copy and paste into the file.


from Data.DatasetLoader import DatasetLoader

def main() -> None:


from typing import List
from Models.BaseComment import BaseComment
from Models.Singleton import Singleton

class Comment201807(BaseComment, metaclass=Singleton):
    archived: List[bool] = []
    author: List[str] = []

    def __init__(self, comment: dict) -> None:

        self.comment_json = self.comment_json

        self.archived = self.comment_json['archived']
        self.author = self.comment_json['author']

    def add_batch(self, batch: List[dict]) -> None:
        for comment in batch:

  1. In the class DatasetVersionEnum located in ./Data add new enum case. Example:
from Data.Dataset import Dataset
from Models.Comments.Comment201807 import Comment201807

class DatasetVersionEnum:
    Dataset_2018_07 = Dataset('RC_2018-07', Comment201807)

Current limitations

The project is not optimized for big datasets. Recommended load limit=1000000. Loading 1 million rows takes ~30 seconds (depends on machine) and ~2.5Gb of RAM.

Also, as of right now, this project is only compatible with datasets from: https://files.pushshift.io/reddit/comments/

Possible improvements

Dynamic loading and unloading (depending on the use case, it may not be necessary to keep the old data in the memory)