
Change the color scheme from a list of color scheme names.

Primary LanguageVim Script


Forked from 'twe4ked/vim-colorscheme-switcher'

Colorscheme Switcher

Change the color scheme from a list of color scheme names.

This is simply a clone of a script found on vim.wikia to make it easy to Vundle. Version 2010-09-12 from vim.wikia.


You can set colorscheme group you like. Insert the variable into your vimrc.

let g:mycolors = ['hybrid', 'molokai']


  • F8 - Next scheme
  • Shift-F8 - Previous scheme
  • Alt-F8 - Random scheme


Set the list of color schemes used by the above (default is 'all').

  • :SetColors all - All $VIMRUNTIME/colors/*.vim
  • :SetColors my - Names built into script
  • :SetColors blue slate ron - These schemes
  • :SetColors - Display current scheme names
  • :SetColors now - Set the current color scheme based on time of day