
Mac OS X utility to un-archive .webarchive files (like when saving from Safari)

Primary LanguageObjective-C

{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;\f1\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica-Bold;\f2\fnil\fcharset77 LucidaGrande;
\f3\fswiss\fcharset77 ArialMT;}

\f0\fs24 \cf0 NOTE: this file is from the original sourceforge code. There is no Automator code in this forked version\
Release notes\

\f1\b Version 0.1 - initial release 
\f0\b0 \
This release contains two independent parts\

\f1\b Part 1. Application 'Web Archive Extractor'
\f0\b0 \
WebArchiveExtractor.zip contains Application\

\f2 \cf0 To install '
\f0 Web Archive Extractor'
\f2 \
 - unpack 
\f0 WebArchiveExtractor.zip\
  - copy 
\f2 WebArchiveExtractor into /Application folder
\f2 \

\f0 \cf0 \

\f1\b Part 2. Automator Action
\f0\b0 \

\f2 \cf0 Automator-WebArchiveExtractorAction.action.zip  contains Automator Plugin\
Automator-ExtractWebarchive.zip contains sample workflow\
To install Automator Action \
 - unpack zip \
 - copy WebArchiveExtractorAction.action into  /Users/<your username>/Library/Automator folder\

\f1\b \cf0 Version 0.2
\f3\b0 \
\cf0 Version 0.2 improves stability and addresses a number of other minor issues.\
-crash on releasing of autorelease pool fixed (in NSCoreDragReceiveProc)\
-main resource name changed to webarchive-index.html\
-bundle identifiers changed\

\f0 \cf0 WebArchiveExtractor.0.2.zip  contains Application\

\f2 \cf0 Automator-WebArchiveExtractorAction.0.2.action.zip  contains Automator Plugin
\f3 \
\cf0 \