
This code will automatically merge any forest that contains the hiEvtAnalyzer/HiTree . To use just check out and provide the a text file containing the list of files to be merged, an output directory, and how many files should be merged per job.

One time setup:

git clone

Afterwhich it is reccomended to run the ./ script and condor_submit the pmerge.condor file from the most recently created directory, this will send the merging job to a condor worker node to not slow down the current machine. An example shown below:

# ./ <input-list> <out-dir> <files-per-job> 
./ HIMinBiasUPC-HIRun2011-14Mar2014-v2_tag_HI_MatchEqR_DatabaseJEC.txt /mnt/hadoop/cms/store/user/velicanu/HIMinBiasUPC-HIRun2011-14Mar2014-v2_tag_HI_MatchEqR_DatabaseJEC_merged 500
condor_submit mergejob_10_10_2014__11_45_15/pmerge.condor

To run interactively:

# ./ <condor-iteration> <input-list> <output-dir> <files-per-job>
./ 0 HIHighPt_HIRun2011_HLT_HISinglePhoton20_HISinglePhoton30_FOREST_753p1_v0.txt /mnt/hadoop/cms/store/user/velicanu/HIHighPt/HIHighPt_HIRun2011_HLT_HISinglePhoton20_HISinglePhoton30_FOREST_753p1_v0/151019_172910/merged/ 5

To run mergeForest.exe interactively:

# ./mergeForest.exe <file-pattern> <output-file>
./mergeForest.exe 'mergedTmp/*.root' outputfile.root

This works for both Data and MC.