
Build your own Slack bot in Go.

Primary LanguageGo


sailbot is an working Slack bot that asks cassandra for a definition of a word or phrase, then responds with the definition. It's used to help teach sailing terms, found in the words.csv file.

Mostly I did this project so I could use the go Cassandra interface. Plus it was a challenge to do embedded phrase searching within a string efficiently. Thanks to Cobi Carter for providing some great insight.

To get this started, spin up a cassandra node and create a keyspace named 'sailbot' with a table named 'words':

cqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE sailbot WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'};
cqlsh> use sailbot;
cqlsh:sailbot> create table defs ( first text, rest text, defn text, primary key (first, rest));
cqlsh:sailbot> copy defs from 'words.csv' with null='*' and escape='"';
1285 rows imported in 0.365 seconds.

Then, to ask sailbot to define a word, have it join a channel (see the blog post), then say something like @sailbot: define port

Forked from here: Check the blog post for a description of mybot internals.