
Custom scripts for NetBox (DCIM/IPAM)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

NetBox custom scripts (Python 2.7)

This is an attempt to share some of my work with the NetBox community. I plan on adding more scripts later on.


Make sure you have all dependencies installed i.e.

$sudo pip install sys, time, re, socket, psycopg2

If you don't have pip installed then follow this guide


Clone the repository and modify db_con.py file with your DB information i.e.

import psycopg2
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='YOUR_NETBOX_DB_NAME' user='YOUR_NETBOX_USERNAME' host='YOUR_NETBOX_DB_IP_ADDRESS' password='YOUR_NETBOX_DB_PASSWORD'")
cur = conn.cursor()


The script attmepts to resolve each hostname in netbox DB then creates a "mgmt" interface with its corresponding IPv4/IPv6 addresses.


Makes an API call to NetBox and returns the list of IPv4 prefixes, then saves the list of returned prefixes to fping_prefixes file.


Runs fping against each subnet found in fping_prefixes file and saves "Alive" hosts in fping_hosts file.


Adds unique entries found fping_hosts file and ultimately adds them to NetBox.