
Microverse Ruby Project

How to play Tic-Tac-Toe


2 people A pen and paper

Game play

Draw a grid of two parallel vertical lines intersecting with two parallel horizontal lines to form 9 boxes (see illustration). One player (designated X) makes the first move by drawing that letter in any one of the 9 boxes; O follows by making the second move. The game can have only three outcomes: either player may emerge victorious by linking three of their letters horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, or else the game ends in a “cat’s game” in which neither player connects three in a row. It’s best to rotate who is X and who is O so that the same player does not start each game.


However you arrive there, no matter the strategy — three in a row wins the game

Simply Complicated

Despite the apparent straightforwardness, there are enough mathematical complexities that go into understanding the various outcomes of this game to make even the most capable logicians scratch their heads. In its most simplistic incarnation (using the rules above), there are 362,880 (9 factorial) ways of placing Xs and Os on the board, without regard to winning combinations. You could play a long, long time before playing the same game twice.

How to start the game

run bin/main.rb


Build a tic-tac-toe game on the command line where two human players can play against each other and the board is displayed in between turns.

Source of Project You can find the original project specification at: https://microverse.pathwright.com/library/fast-track-curriculum/69047/path/step/59565018/


Authors: Kyankya Raymond

Jorge Apaza Merma

Technologies Used.



How to setup a repo of this page on your local machine:

Open your git bash and cd to the location you'd like to put your files the run the command below.

Git clone: git clone https://github.com/rkyankya/Microverse_Tic_Tac.git