Dynolog api

Project structure

├── docker-compose.yml
├── pom.xml
├── src
│   ├── main
│   │   ├── java
│   │   │   ├── com
│   │   │   │   └── github
│   │   │   │       └── dynolog
│   │   │   │           └── api
│   │   │   │               ├── configurations
│   │   │   │               ├── controllers
│   │   │   │               ├── domain
│   │   │   │               ├── errors
│   │   │   │               ├── Main.java
│   │   │   │               ├── middlewares
│   │   │   │               └── utils
│   │   │   └── db
│   │   │       └── migration
│   │   │           └── database migrations (in java)
│   │   └── resources
│   │       ├── application.properties
│   │       ├── db
│   │       │   └── migration
│   │       │       └── database migrations (in SQL)
│   │       ├── messages.properties
│   │       └── messages_pt_BR.properties
│   └── test
│       ├── java
│       │   └── com
│       │       └── github
│       │           └── dynolog
│       │               └── api
│       └── resources
│           └── application.properties
└── system.properties

Table of Contents


  • Postgres: ^13
  • Java: ^17
  • Maven: ^3.8.4


🚨 attention make sure the database exists

you can up a database using docker with "docker-compose up -d postgresql"

# clone the repository and access the directory.
$ git clone git@github.com:appointments-io/appointments-server.git server && cd server

# download dependencies
$ mvn install -DskipTests

# run the application
$ mvn spring-boot:run

# run the tests
$ mvn test

# to build for production
$ mvn clean package


Once the application is up, it is available at: localhost:8080/documentation

development server


Coverage Status

Running a specific test

use the parameter -Dtest=<class>#<method>

for example the integration test. create token:

$ mvn test -Dtest=SessionControllerTests#should_return_OK_when_password_is_correct

Database Migrations

Creating database migration files

  • Java based migrations

    mvn migration:generate -Dname=my-migration-name
  • SQL based migrations

    mvn migration:generate -Dname=my-migration-name -Dsql

Environment variables

Descrição Parameter Default values
Server port SERVER_PORT 8080
database url DB_URL localhost:5432/appointments
username (database) DB_USERNAME root
user password (database) DB_PASSWORD root
displays the generated sql in the logger DB_SHOW_SQL false
set maximum database connections DB_MAX_CONNECTIONS 5
secret value in token generation TOKEN_SECRET secret
token expiration time in hours TOKEN_EXPIRATION_IN_HOURS 24
refresh token expiry time in days REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_IN_DAYS 7
max requests per minute MAX_REQUESTS_PER_MINUTE 10

these variables are defined in: application.properties

# to change the value of some environment variable at runtime
# on execution, just pass it as a parameter. (like --SERVER_PORT=80).
$ java -jar appointments-io-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --SERVER_PORT=80