This is a submodule for Moulinette Core. See Moulinette Core for an overview of all modules.
You're a GM (game master) preparing a new scenario? Moulinette Forge lets you browse a catalog of scenes shared by the community.
- Search in the catalog
- Have a look at the preview
- Check the scenes you want to import
- Forge!
You are a map designer and have prepared some scenes you'd like to share? Moulinette facilitates the process of sharing scenes with others.
- Right click on your scenes
- Choose "Share the scene with Moulinette"
- Fill the form
- Submit!
- It will show up in the forge after the review process is completed!
(Scenes on the screenshot are from various creators who have given their permission.)
To install the module from FoundryVTT:
- Start FVTT and browse to the Game Modules tab in the Configuration and Setup menu
- Search for "Moulinette Forge" and click install on the desired module
To manually install the module (not recommended), follow these instructions:
- Start FVTT and browse to the Game Modules tab in the Configuration and Setup menu
- Select the Install Module button and enter the following URL:
- Click Install and wait for installation to complete
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