R-Ladies Melbourne Events

Events in 2019

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R-Shiny Tricks or Treats, Maybe Both?

Prepared and presented by Goknur Giner

Intro to Data Analysis and Graphics with R

Presented and prepared by ZHUOWEN(Tobey) Zhang

Take a sad plot and make it better

Prepared and presented by Alison Hill

Events in 2019

Intro to Data Analysis and Graphics with R

Presented and prepared by ZHUOWEN(Tobey) Zhang

Take a sad plot and make it better

Prepared and presented by Alison Hill


Gold star reproducibility: straightforward containerisation with open-source tools

Prepared and presented by Saras Windecker

It takes a spark

Prepared and presented by Shazia and Marie

Introduction to R workshop

Prepared and presented by Goknur Giner and Nikki Rubinstein

Cluster analysis with international education data – challenges and insights

Prepared and presented by Jenny Shen

NLP with SpaCy in R

Prepared and presented by Ana Mamatelashvili

Baby one more time - reproducibility in R and when to bring in the big guns

Prepared and presented by Lavinia Gordon

Producing publication-ready documents in R Markdown

Prepared and presented by:

  • Soroor Zadeh, Master Student in Statistics at the University of Melbourne and Research Assisant at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research

  • Anna Quaglieri, PhD Student in Bioinformatics at the University of Melbourne and the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research

Events in 2018

Semiparametric and non parametric models in R

Prepared and presented by Soroor Zadeh, Master Student in Statistics at the University of Melbourne and Research Assisant at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research.

From zero to science hero in 1 week

Speaker: Fiona Milne, data scientist at Eliiza, a ML/AI consulting company.

How R you? - R-Ladies Melbourne second anniversary

Organised by Anna Quaglieri, Saskia Freytag and Göknur Giner.

Find introduction slides here.

Go to How R you - R-Ladies Melbourne Tips website.

R as a tool for complex systems modelling

Run by Caitlin Adams, PhD Student at Swinburne University’s Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing.

Getting down and up with blogging with R!

Run by Emi Tanaka, Lecturer in Statistics, University of Sydney

Follow me! Introduction to social media analysis in R

Run by:

  1. Maria Prokofieva, Senior Lecturer, College of Business, Victoria University
  2. Anna Quaglieri, PhD Student in Bioinformatics, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
  3. Saskia Freytag, Postdoctoral Fellow, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute

Introduction to R

Run by:

  1. Roxane Legaie, Lead Clinical Bioinformatician at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.
  2. Adele Barugahare, Bioinformatician at Monash University.

Everything you need to know to create your R package!

Find all the R code here.

Prepared and presented by Earo Wang.

More than words - Text analysis in R

Prepared and presented by Maria Prokofieva Find video of the seminar on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOVwOQ5XhTI.

Parallel Programming in R

Prepared and presented by Soroor Zadeh Find video of the seminar on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXEn4M6YDOA.

Public Transport Maps and Geospatial Data In R

Speaker Belinda Maher. Find video of the seminar on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84G6ZNTEHCo

Events in 2016-2017

Launch Meetup

Speaker: Di Cook, Professor of Business Analytics in the Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics at Monash University.

R Notebooks and Interactive Graphics


  1. Natalia Da Silva, PhD in Statistics from Iowa State University
  2. Jovana Maksimovic, Postdoctoral scientist in Bioinformatics at the Murdoch Children Research Institute.

Git and GitHub workshop

Speaker: Soroor Zadeh, Research Assistant in Bioinformatics at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute.

Twitter Workshop

Speaker: Anna Quaglieri, PhD candidate in Bioinformatics at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute.

Helper: Saskia Freitag, Postdoctoral scientist in Bioinformatics at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute.

Web Scraping & Sports Analytics

Speaker: Stephanie Kovalchik, Tennis Data Scientist at the Game Insight Group at Tennis Australia and researcher at the Institute of Sport Exercise and Active Living at Victoria University.

Build Neural Network with R

Speaker: Kristen Hunter, PhD candidate in statistics at Harvard University.

mixOmics: Combine Large Scale Datasets

Find materials on how to use the mixOmics package, an R package to combine large scale genomics datasets.

Speaker: Kim-Anh Le Cao, Academic, Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourne.

Find video of workshop on YouTube: - Part 1. Introduction to mixOmics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnIFeguzNA4&t=34s - Part 2. Hands on turorial on mixOmics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8ReqvpdSI0

Introduction to R Workshop


  1. Roxane Legaie, Lead Clinical Bioinformatician at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.
  2. Nikki Rubinstein, PhD candidate at Melbourne University.

Random Forest, Climate Change and Food Production

Speaker: Elizabeth Vogel, PhD researcher at the Australian-German Climate & Energy College, University of Melbourne, focusing on climate extreme events and agriculture.

Find video of seminar on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rjhPGa4ef0&t=2s.

One Year of R-Ladies Melbourne

Prepared by Anna Quaglieri and Marie Trussart and presented by Marie Trussart.

Introduction to R-Shiny

Prepared and presented by Soroor Zadeh and Marie Trussart.

Christmas Party

Organised and directed by Saskia Freytag